Update time again!
I drained the off coloured EK liquid out of the loop and filled the entire loop up with distilled water, I ran this in there for about an hour before draining that out. There was still a fair amount of off coloured liquid clinging to the internals of the parts. So I made up the Mayhems blitz kit solution. Wearing gloves and eye protection (This stuff is pretty nasty) I poured it into the loop. I filled the reservoir to about half way as the Mayhems blitz kit has a tendency to froth up quite a lot and started the system going. I moved the pump to a few different settings over the course of the 24 hours of cleaning.
Mayhems Blitz Kit by
Mathew Teague, on Flickr
One thing which I wasn't expecting was to find flakes within the filter! This shocked me quite a bit, however after doing a little reading this is fairly common with some copper radiators. None the less, I needed to take the loop apart once the blitz kit was done doing its job so that I could have a look at all the blocks. I didn't get and photos of the blocks but they were actually completely clean to my surprise!
Mayhems Blitz Kit by
Mathew Teague, on Flickr
Mayhems Blitz Kit by
Mathew Teague, on Flickr
Here is a more detailed look at the RAM/ CPU bends which the Mayhems Blitz kit running through them! Hopefully its going to make a decent difference to the overall look!
Mayhems Blitz Kit by
Mathew Teague, on Flickr
Here is another shot taken later on that day, you can see that it looks to of gotten even misty-ier which hopefully means most of the crap is getting out of my loop!
Mayhems Blitz Kit by
Mathew Teague, on Flickr
After these steps I then drained the Mayhems Blitz kit out of the loop. I then connected a pipe coming from a bucket of water into the loop. This bucket was being filled by my kitchen tap and the water coming out of the loop was going straight down the drain. I ran this for about an hour just to completely flush the Mayhems blitz/ any other crap completely out of the loop to make sure it was ready for the next lot of distilled water!
Here is the loop after I added the distilled water after running the loop with tap water for an hour. Dont worry though, I used Biocide to make sure there was nothing going to grow!
Nice and Clean by
Mathew Teague, on Flickr
Nice and Clean by
Mathew Teague, on Flickr
Then next thing to do is to leave it running for a while just to make sure there is nothing further up with the loop as I can easily just add the rest of the remaining Mayhems Blitz kit to the loop if I need to do another clean however after two hours it is looking lovely and clean! Very happy so far!
I have also decided not to use EK's coolant, just in case there is something up with it. When I ordered the Blitz kit, I also ordered some Mayhems Blue Dye which I will be adding to the system to make a super deep blue! However that is for a future update!
I hope as always you have enjoyed this update and it has been able to help anyone out! Please subscribe to the thread for the latest updates! I hope there isnt too much left to get this system finally completed!
TPK Awwwwwaaaayyyyyyy