Leviathan - X99, SLI 980ti's and watercooling!

It is what it is I guess. The build will be great once it is done!

Yeh, I did them myself. Have a watch of this video! Its very helpful but a lot of practice is needed! The same is the case with the tubing, lots and lots of practice! I am personally not a fan of the tubing which uses fittings for bends, just doesn't look like it flows and is too rigid.
I'll have to have a look at practicing that then, thanks for posting the guide :D
Looks really nice !! I would love to do something like this how difficult would you say it is ?? I do have experience building computers but I have never tried watercooling
Great to see progress on your build mate, cables are outstanding! Really love the unique colour combo you went with. Sorry to hear about coolant issues, hope you get it sorted out soon.
Looks really nice !! I would love to do something like this how difficult would you say it is ?? I do have experience building computers but I have never tried watercooling

Actual watercooling itself is very easy. Its very scary because you are putting stuff that can just kill components outright if you get it wrong. If you were to build something, build a CPU loop first. Low cost and you can test your skills out!

Great to see progress on your build mate, cables are outstanding! Really love the unique colour combo you went with. Sorry to hear about coolant issues, hope you get it sorted out soon.
Thanks, I dont really like going for mainstream colour anymore... Next time I might do it purple or orange!

Amazing build so far. Love the photography aswell. +1

Thanks man! Glad you are liking it!
Update time again!

I drained the off coloured EK liquid out of the loop and filled the entire loop up with distilled water, I ran this in there for about an hour before draining that out. There was still a fair amount of off coloured liquid clinging to the internals of the parts. So I made up the Mayhems blitz kit solution. Wearing gloves and eye protection (This stuff is pretty nasty) I poured it into the loop. I filled the reservoir to about half way as the Mayhems blitz kit has a tendency to froth up quite a lot and started the system going. I moved the pump to a few different settings over the course of the 24 hours of cleaning.

Mayhems Blitz Kit by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

One thing which I wasn't expecting was to find flakes within the filter! This shocked me quite a bit, however after doing a little reading this is fairly common with some copper radiators. None the less, I needed to take the loop apart once the blitz kit was done doing its job so that I could have a look at all the blocks. I didn't get and photos of the blocks but they were actually completely clean to my surprise!

Mayhems Blitz Kit by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Mayhems Blitz Kit by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Here is a more detailed look at the RAM/ CPU bends which the Mayhems Blitz kit running through them! Hopefully its going to make a decent difference to the overall look!

Mayhems Blitz Kit by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Here is another shot taken later on that day, you can see that it looks to of gotten even misty-ier which hopefully means most of the crap is getting out of my loop!

Mayhems Blitz Kit by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

After these steps I then drained the Mayhems Blitz kit out of the loop. I then connected a pipe coming from a bucket of water into the loop. This bucket was being filled by my kitchen tap and the water coming out of the loop was going straight down the drain. I ran this for about an hour just to completely flush the Mayhems blitz/ any other crap completely out of the loop to make sure it was ready for the next lot of distilled water!

Here is the loop after I added the distilled water after running the loop with tap water for an hour. Dont worry though, I used Biocide to make sure there was nothing going to grow!

Nice and Clean by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Nice and Clean by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Then next thing to do is to leave it running for a while just to make sure there is nothing further up with the loop as I can easily just add the rest of the remaining Mayhems Blitz kit to the loop if I need to do another clean however after two hours it is looking lovely and clean! Very happy so far!

I have also decided not to use EK's coolant, just in case there is something up with it. When I ordered the Blitz kit, I also ordered some Mayhems Blue Dye which I will be adding to the system to make a super deep blue! However that is for a future update!

I hope as always you have enjoyed this update and it has been able to help anyone out! Please subscribe to the thread for the latest updates! I hope there isnt too much left to get this system finally completed!

TPK Awwwwwaaaayyyyyyy
Nice to see the loop clean and filled with fresh coolant. Not quite sure about the Mayhems Blits kit though, is it supposed to remove some copper from the radiators or is it a side effect of it cleaning the old stuff out?
Nice to see the loop clean and filled with fresh coolant. Not quite sure about the Mayhems Blits kit though, is it supposed to remove some copper from the radiators or is it a side effect of it cleaning the old stuff out?

Im not sure really, I haven't heard of these side effects. I have continued to run the system to leak test it but also to make sure its perfectly clean and I havent seen any more flakes turn up in the filter. So I think these might of just been bits which were not gotten out of the loop when I did my multiple flushes of the radiators...
It is update time again but this one is just a small update!

I have used the Mayhems blitz kit to completely clean the loop out, it is now all sorted out!

I refilled the whole loop with distilled water and added some Biocide. Everything is looking real clean, next I have added the Mayhems Blue dye to the loop! I didn't add a small amount like most people would, I went balls to the balls and almost got a midnight blue going on!

Final Liquid Colour by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

As you can see, the blue matches up with the blue thumbscrews and the blue on the SLI bridge! (That is the Jayztwocent SLI bridge mod too!)

Here is another angle of the loop with the Blue! I think I am in love with it!

Final Liquid Colour by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

I am now just waiting for a few cable bits to finish of the cabling within the system! There is also an Aquaero 5LT on its way! Looking forward to having a play with that! I will get a snap of the Aquaero and then we are into final images time, before starting overclocking etc!

Well thanks again for tuning in to another update on this build! Please subscribe so that you can be notified when my final PC build images are going to be up! Its going to be a big update!

Excellent work, the fluid looks great and I can't wait to see the system assembled with all the pannels on. Certainly a nice bit of kit (Especially the cables) :)
Look fantastic mate, I'm in love with caselabs cases and your work with the watercooling is great!

Looking forward to seeing final pics.
Update time!

I was expecting to of uploaded final images of this machine by now! However I have had some issues last week. I was running a Samsung 950 pro (My second one as the first one died after a week of use), It was running fine until it just stopped working similarly to the first one. I have now had to take it out of the system and send it back to Samsung for them to test it and most likely send me out a new one! This means that the overall build is delayed because of this. Everything else within the build is now complete, with the small addition of the Angel PX1 which will be housing the new Samsung 950 pro when it turns up!

Looking forward to being back up and running on the main machine in the next few days!
Hey all!

Sorry that there hasn't been update in a while! The build log has been at the back of my mind for a short while now as things have been pretty rocky with everything happening in our family. My younger sister has had a baby however, he has spent the last 7 weeks in Hospital having surgery and lots of issues!*

​​​​​​​However he is now out and the build log must come to a close! So this Saturday, I will be posting up the final build photos of the system!
Hey all!
Sorry that there hasn't been update in a while! The build log has been at the back of my mind for a short while now as things have been pretty rocky with everything happening in our family. My younger sister has had a baby however, he has spent the last 7 weeks in Hospital having surgery and lots of issues!*
​​​​​​​However he is now out and the build log must come to a close! So this Saturday, I will be posting up the final build photos of the system!
Hope your nephew/niece is okay :)
Still though, can't wait to see the finished images (I'm sure they will be worth the wait) :D
Hope your nephew/niece is okay :)
Still though, can't wait to see the finished images (I'm sure they will be worth the wait) :D

He is out of hospital now but he has to have two injections every day with blood thinners...

I also have some bad news... The final build images wont be up until at least Wednesday now...

I went to take some photos and I cant find my CPL filter. This means that I cant take any images of the case with the side panels on, as the reflection from the window is terrible.

I have ordered a new CPL filter which will remove the reflection, however it wont be here until Wednesday because of the long weekend.
Final PC images are here!

Here is the first picture of the external of the case

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Here is external number two! The build quality of this Caselabs case is second to none!

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

A view in through the top panel!
Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

Here is a bit of the cabling in the build! Huge thanks to Shakmods for helping out with the cabling! Sali was unbelievably helpful over the multiple conversations we had!

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

A close up of the 24 pin cable and 8 pin EPS with the waterblocks in the background!

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

A slightly better angle of the tubing of the build!

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

A shot of the internals of the whole build!

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

And the final image, another internal shot of the whole build!

Leviathan by Mathew Teague, on Flickr

I would just like to thank everyone who helped out with this build! I had a great time putting it together! There was a slot of challenges throughout the build but I love the finished product! The support from the community and business owners was great!

Thanks to all who looked at the build and left support within the thread!*

TPK Awwaaaayyy!
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