LG 32LX2R - very tempted now!

Raider said:
Anyone have optimum settings for Xbox360 through component on this thing?
Haven't exactly been blown away so far :(

The HD just seems to be resulting in more Aliasing! In PGR3 anyway.
I'm running at 1080i atm

possibly a daft question, but why are you choosing 1080i for a display thats is 720p native? At the moment your TV has to scale the 1080 image. I'd have thought it would look a lot better if you setup the xbox for 720p.

Or am I missing something?
I've got the 26" version of the LG on my desk at work, it's a good tv for Xbox 360...but the other day i was cleaning the screen (theres a cloth provided with the tv :) ) and i noticed that the screen actually moves in a noticeable amount if you push gently in the corners.

I'm considering getting a TV like this for myself in the near future and was wondering if anyone had noticed this too...especially with the 32" version.
Raider said:
Anyone have optimum settings for Xbox360 through component on this thing?
Haven't exactly been blown away so far :(

The HD just seems to be resulting in more Aliasing! In PGR3 anyway.
I'm running at 1080i atm

PGR3 isn't true HD which is the reason it doesn't look great.
ionk12 said:
PGR3 isn't true HD which is the reason it doesn't look great.

Not true HD!. All the reports ive read say that it is HD and after seeing it on my mates LCD its far superior to a CRT TV.

Where have you heard its not true HD.. linkage to source..
I believe PGR3 is rendered at slightly lower then 720p, and the 360 has to either upscale it internally to 1280x720 or 1920x1080 depending on which option you pick in the 360 console settings. So I guess that is why people say PGR3 isn't true HD. Regardless your LCD TV will upscale to 1366x768 anyway, but the source isn't 720p to being with.

Regarding 1080i - I don't understand why people use this on LCD TV's. On PC panels like the Dell 2405FPW with a native res of 1920x1200, yes ...but not LCD TV's. Your LCD manual says it supports 1080i, but this just means it can take a 1080i input. The max res. of the screen is always going to be 1366x768 no matter what. So with your 360 set to 1080i, the 360 hardware upscales the image from it's original 720p (1280x720) or slightly lower to 1080i (1920x1080) and then outputs that to your TV which squashes it back down to 1366x768. Isn't it better to pass the native 720p signal to the TV and let it stretch is slightly to 1366x768 to fill the screen ?
Yeah according to a few websites PGR3 is actually rendered in 1024x600 or something bizarre. It's then upscaled to 720p or whatever. This would certainly explain the increased aliasing. Other games like COD2 and Condemned look quite a bit better in my opinion!

Also I plugged the screen into my PC to try it as a monitor... and WOW! Looked superb! Do have to sit at least 4 feet back though :D

One thing though, if I ran it at 1360x768 it looked a bit fuzzy, but at 1368x768 it was pin sharp. Seemed a bit odd since 1360x768 is generally what is recommended since you can't output 1366x768. What resolutions do others use?
Yeah got it all set up at last!! :D

Bought this TV stand from Argos yesterday:
Avesbury stand

Got it for £39.99 after using my nectar points! Is suprisingly sturdy and swish looking for Argos! And most importantly it has the height (70cm) that I need to raise my TV above the level of my bed.

Currently got Xbox360, Denon 1920 in the stand too, hoping to add my PC too once I get my Wireless card and DVI-HDMI cable! :p
mancubas said:
My replacement turned up but after further examination I found two dead pixels one above each other making them even more apprant from a distance :( , pretty sure I saw another one as well.. man this is turning into a nightmare...

I think my local store is going to have to find me one without any dead pixels or I am going to look at another make\model :(

Anyone care to offer some advise on this?


Third LCD turned up today and after much staring I found NO dead\stuck pixels at all.. must be extremely lucky. Have it running Dead Pixel Tester now cycling through the relevant colours to exercise the pixels.

Intrestingly Comet did not have a dead\stuck pixel policy for LG LCD's... suppose that is about to change :D

Have just been informed that my preorder with a company has come in, and delivery will arrive Wednesday. These are brand new from LG so should have latest firmware, so will keep you guys updated when it shows up :)
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