fans in monitors need to die.
.Can any-one from the human race tell the difference between 8 and 10-bit though?
Linus has done a mini-review of the LG38GL950G:
Guess it's the same **** as the 43" monitors. 4K, 144Hz, 10-bit... but not at the same time! Doing 144Hz you have to go down to 8-bit and 4-2-2.
It makes no sense to go for these high-res/High-hz monitors until we have new Displayport and HDMI to support it.
Is the 38gl950g 21:9 ?
3840x1600 is a lot of pixels to drive even for a 2080ti at high refresh rates.
Is 3840X1600 going to be in every game as an option, I don't really want to go down the old road I did with my X34 when it first came out editing game files to get them to work at 3440.