LG OLED Screen Burn

None so far on my 2 year old C8, yes you have to babysit the panel somewhat but worth it for the excellent PQ, just got the CX for my pc so time will tell.
what’s the point of buying such a premium tv and then nerfing the brightness just to try and avoid screen burn. Defeats the object of getting the tv in the first place.

4k HDR content I agree definitely, but regular SDR TV content, which to be fair is probably what the majority of peoples viewing is, well that's still mastered at only 100nits peak brightness, so having your TV set to near reference levels for regular TV contant can greatly extend the life of the TV, and it's also correctly matching the content as it was mastered.

Throw in a 4k HDR bluray disc, well that's another matter entirely, I leave the TV to do it's magic on that at 100 oled light as intended.
100 must be too bright surely? I've got my c9 at 50 brightness in a fairly bright room (100 for her, but that's a range rather than fixed). How is it not burning your eyeballs out, I calibrated mine to that level, just interested to know why tlyou went so high?
It's image retention. It doesn't damage the screen phosphor as the electron gun on a CRT does.

BTW, I've owned a Plasma for 9 years. Long gaming sessions would leave a feint shadow of the HUD for a couple of hours when new. Once "run in" it's been fine...
Just for context then, the tv is 3.5 years old. Used for watching mostly 4K dolby vision/hdr content, netflix, amazon prime, PS4 Pro and the odd TV programme. The TV has the screen saver come on after 2 mins of inactivity and its always put in standby.

What sort of things are you watching on netflix for you to get the netflix logo burned in?

I don't recall anything that i've been watching has the logo on it.
Weren’t reds the worst colour to have on a static image on the older sets? Sure I’d seen that mentioned on avforums.

Yes, I believe that the red pixels were (and probably still are) the colour with the shortest life expectancy, so a lot of prolonged red usage will degrade those pixels faster - as such, things like the Netflix logo while you spend 20 minutes browsing to choose a film are 'high risk'.
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