LG OLED Screen Burn

What sort of things are you watching on netflix for you to get the netflix logo burned in?

I don't recall anything that i've been watching has the logo on it.
MY wife mostly watches it and it's usually Korean, Japanese or Chinese TV shows.
It's image retention. It doesn't damage the screen phosphor as the electron gun on a CRT does.

BTW, I've owned a Plasma for 9 years. Long gaming sessions would leave a feint shadow of the HUD for a couple of hours when new. Once "run in" it's been fine...

I've owned several plasmas and the one we used downstairs for many years got horrible burn in. You could see the logo when the TV was off iirc. These were last gen models too so the latest ones which supposedly had made the issue a lot better.

I'd rather have slightly inferior picture quality for my usage type.

Having to baby a TV if you game a lot or watch channels with logos just takes all the fun out of ownership. You can't actually enjoy it.

It may work for you with varied content but not for people who leave their TV on for long periods of time on sky sports, etc.
What has that got to do with modern models :confused:

To be fair, I don't think the protections in the newer models will make that much of a difference. For example, you have people in this thread using the OLED light at 100 for all content, the protections aren't going to stop burn in for those folk.
To be fair, I don't think the protections in the newer models will make that much of a difference. For example, you have people in this thread using the OLED light at 100 for all content, the protections aren't going to stop burn in for those folk.

Well, they deserve it :p Pixel shifting, auto logo dimming and that thing it does in standby seem to be working for me so far.
Well, they deserve it :p Pixel shifting, auto logo dimming and that thing it does in standby seem to be working for me so far.

Unfortunately, pixel-shifting just means you'll end up with a bigger burn in area if you do get it. You can see this on some examples in the thread linked above, the burned-in logos cover a bigger area than they normally would as the image slightly moves around.

I've had issues with the logo dimming setting, dimming the entire picture when watching football. Thought it was just my eyes at first but changing it to off brightened up the entire image again and there are plenty of posts online about it.

My parents have my B7 now and that had plenty of usage with gaming and sky sports. Fortunately, it’s still showing no signs of burn-in. My C9 with similar usage but fewer hours is still perfect, as to be expected after only 6 months.

It's weird as people swear it's inherent to the technology, but then you have people who've hammered theirs with static content having no issues and others with average and varied usage who get burn-in after 1-2 years. Panel lottery?
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To be fair the constant nagging concern that you can’t leave a static picture on the screen is made worse by the fact that things like the Xbox dashboard with blocks of colour leave image retention within the space of 30 seconds, which just looks naff when you’re scrolling about browsing the store etc and the solid grey background shows up all the blotchy remnants of the retained image.

Obviously not permanent in that case but simply looks bad.
To be fair the constant nagging concern that you can’t leave a static picture on the screen is made worse by the fact that things like the Xbox dashboard with blocks of colour leave image retention within the space of 30 seconds, which just looks naff when you’re scrolling about browsing the store etc and the solid grey background shows up all the blotchy remnants of the retained image.

Obviously not permanent in that case but simply looks bad.

I hope console manufacturers make OLED friendly menus and dashboards.
anyone know if currys still cover screen burn ? Got a c7 with it very noticeable on red screen in the past week. A pixel refresh every day not helped :(
On my BX, any screen left untouched apart from moving video, a screensaver comes on very swiftly, in Windows I have set the screensaver to come on after a couple of mins too.

However I am using subtitles as the GF insists, so unsure if these are bad.
However I am using subtitles as the GF insists, so unsure if these are bad.

I know for Amazon Prime you can change the font size, background colour, font colour etc, so I've done that to remove the black background.

They are bad for screens, my Panny plasma has had screen burn-in where the subtitles were. It's very dim though so can only really see it on extremely bright scenes. The area where the subititle bars would have been are slightly dimmer. It happened after 5 years of usage.

Only for the built in apps though, but subtitles.... How can you appreciate such a screen with those on :confused:

We are not native english speakers. The toughest thing for someone is getting used to accents. Easiest way to practice is having subtitles on, to match the words to the speech.

Nowadays we rarely have subtitles on.
I hope console manufacturers make OLED friendly menus and dashboards.

What's the point you spend seconds in the menus and hours in the game with static huds.

Just buy a decent LCD for gaming.

Get an oled for TV and movie use only or again if you watch slot of sky sports or channels with logos then stick with LCD.

I'd lobe an oled but I know it's going to end up how I was with the 4 plasmas I owned. I'd rather just take the small hit to picture quality and not have to worry I've watched 2 games of football one after another.
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