LG TV has lasted 4 years - do I have any rights?

I had a new Samsung 50" about 8yrs ago, only had it 18 months then the lcd screen went like an oil painting, but the warranty was only 1yr.. £2600 down the drain plus I still had to pay of the private loan for another Yr+ :( Samsung and my local TV shop wouldn't do jack.
Any warranty given by the manufacturer is in addition to your rights under the sale of goods act.

I have dealt with Currys a few times on behalf of others and they are pretty horrendous even when you are backed up by the law. fight your case and speak to C&B if you fall flat. They can give you some nicely worded letters that usually do the job.
You have the right to expect a repair (and nothing more) if the fault is not due to misuse or "wear and tear".
I'm sure there's a caveat to that that states depending upon the life of the item at failure you're supposed to contribute to such repair costs.
So for a 4yr tv you may have to pay 75% of the repair cost because you've had 4 yrs use.

Also the length of time a product should last depends upon whether it is a premium product or an economy version.

I also suspect that the retailer doesn't have to get it fixed ie EOL product, spares no longer produced by the manufacturer therefore partial refund of the price of a comparable product (heres £20 sonny now go away).

Was it purchased by CC or cash/debit card?
If by CC you may be able to take it up with your card issuer.
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What with LG being a huge pile of **** I proceeded to e-mail Currys to see what my options were.

To their credit I received a phone call this morning but they are wanting £95.00 for someone to come and collect the TV and only if it is deemed to be a "manufacturers fault" (ie. nothing that could be considered "wear and tear") will I get the £95.00 refunded and the TV repaired for free!

Now I'm fairly confident in saying that it's a genuine manufacturers fault as it suddenly stopped working while no-one was touching it (and the TV is in mint condition as it's never moved from it's spot in 4 years) but the fact that its the firm that will ultimately have to pay the costs that are the one's that are going make the decision, I'm sceptical to say the least! :confused:

I might just write it off as a bad job and get a new TV!
first of all he does have rights - soga covers you for 5-6 years if its a manufacturing defect and the item is supposed to last a reasonable length of time.

second of all only a moron would claim this on house insurasance. it would put his premium up for the next 5 years as well as the excess he would probably need to pay. he would be better off buying a new tv.

third of all always buy tv's from john lewis they come with 5 year warranty as standard and their customer service is second to none

your totaly wrong mate after 4yrs he has no rights at all unless as i said have taken an some kind of extra warranty in this case it seems he didn't.
you take it to a small claims court and try to claim that you got rights for your item to be repaired i know what would happen. and also soga don't come into it.

and not everyone can afford to shop at john lewis considering their prices are ott anyway.
currys give you an option to buy selected tv's with an 5yr warranty
your totaly wrong mate after 4yrs he has no rights at all unless as i said have taken an some kind of extra warranty in this case it seems he didn't.
you take it to a small claims court and try to claim that you got rights for your item to be repaired i know what would happen. and also soga don't come into it.

and not everyone can afford to shop at john lewis considering their prices are ott anyway.
currys give you an option to buy selected tv's with an 5yr warranty

Can you explain to me -an actual LLB- precisely why SOGA wouldn't come into it? Unless he stole the item, he has a contract of sale with Currys. If Currys didn't supply goods which were of a reasonable quality, they have broken that contract. "Warranty" has nothing to do with it.
Look at it this way. Can you afford to lose the £95?

If you can, then why not get them to collect it?

It's not that I can't afford to stump up the £95 - it's that this could potentially be 40% or so towards a brand new, probably better, set with a whole new warranty!

and not everyone can afford to shop at john lewis considering their prices are ott anyway.

I usually do buy from John Lewis as I've found their warranty coverage to be superb - and in all fairness, they will price match most deals out there anyway so there isn't usually much difference in terms of cost!
your totaly wrong mate after 4yrs he has no rights at all unless as i said have taken an some kind of extra warranty in this case it seems he didn't.
you take it to a small claims court and try to claim that you got rights for your item to be repaired i know what would happen. and also soga don't come into it.

and not everyone can afford to shop at john lewis considering their prices are ott anyway.
currys give you an option to buy selected tv's with an 5yr warranty
Please don't give advice about things you know absolutely nothing about.
Dont be a cheapo! Buy another or get fixed. 4 years!! Lol
Yeah, no. 4 years isn't a reasonable amount of time at all.

My TV is 7 years old, and it works perfectly fine. Had it broken at 4 years I would have very much exercised my legal rights.

Though now, I'll buy from richer sounds as their supercare is great. 10% of the item price, and if you don't make a claim on the duration of the supercare plan, you get a full refund.

Now, obviously it's still paying out, however they will repair of replace your items, and loan you a spare whilst your item is off fit repair, and if they can't repair it they'll give you a replacement of equal specification or better.

If what ever I've bought doesn't die, great I get my money back. If it does I get a no hassle replacement or loan whilst they try to repair so that I have no down time.
your totaly wrong mate after 4yrs he has no rights at all unless as i said have taken an some kind of extra warranty in this case it seems he didn't.
you take it to a small claims court and try to claim that you got rights for your item to be repaired i know what would happen. and also soga don't come into it.

and not everyone can afford to shop at john lewis considering their prices are ott anyway.
currys give you an option to buy selected tv's with an 5yr warranty

"You have six years to take a claim to court for faulty goods in England, Wales and Northern Ireland; in Scotland you have five years."



I had a PS3 die after 5 years and 11 months from purchase (live in scotland) and play.com gave me 50% of the cost to get a refurb direct from sony after i sent them the receipt

they didn't have to do anything but i sent them a email which was 95% a template i got off the web maybe from watchdogs site or something.

if you word it correctly and send it to currys they have to act.

your covered for 6 years in england 5 in scotland.

if i sent an engineers report play would have paid 100% of the cost of the refurb. i took the 50% as the cost of an engineers report would have probably been more anyway.

so google SOGA template and then take a look at a few and knock up an email and send it to currys

can get templates and people to help you here...through the entire process right up to fighting them in court if need be.

Whats that going to achieve? It'll cost a lot more than the TV itself. Let alone wanting to stump up £95.

If this was some rare top premium TV I'd understand. There isn't even any reviews for this TV from any of the main reviewer sites.

At this rate and for what its worth, may as well purchase a new set.
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I suppose it all comes down to LG and their customer support. I can only give my two pence worth with a similar experience I had with my Samsung TV. The capacitors blew and it wouldn't turn on it. The TV was was about 7 years old and after some research I found it was a common problem with the Rose red Samsung's of that age. I emailed Samsung basically saying that I was very disappointed that one of their TVs that wasn't cheap, should suffer such a fault and that I expected better from them and would not be buying another one of their TVs.

They emailed me back and within two days had a local engineer come out, pick up the TV and drop it off the next day, all at Samsungs expense.

I would try the same with LG. They don't want to lose custom.

Good luck!
I suppose it all comes down to LG and their customer support. I can only give my two pence worth with a similar experience I had with my Samsung TV. The capacitors blew and it wouldn't turn on it. The TV was was about 7 years old and after some research I found it was a common problem with the Rose red Samsung's of that age. I emailed Samsung basically saying that I was very disappointed that one of their TVs that wasn't cheap, should suffer such a fault and that I expected better from them and would not be buying another one of their TVs.

They emailed me back and within two days had a local engineer come out, pick up the TV and drop it off the next day, all at Samsungs expense.

I would try the same with LG. They don't want to lose custom.

Good luck!

This experience with LG has been pretty poor to be honest - they have basically said that it's not their problem and that I need to speak to the retailer - and then I got a follow-up e-mail from them telling me that my opinion was important to them and did I want to leave a review for the product in question! (although I doubt they will publish it! :D)

I'm sure most of the big manufacturers are the same but I won't be buying LG again that's for sure!
your totaly wrong mate after 4yrs he has no rights at all unless as i said have taken an some kind of extra warranty in this case it seems he didn't.
you take it to a small claims court and try to claim that you got rights for your item to be repaired i know what would happen. and also soga don't come into it.

and not everyone can afford to shop at john lewis considering their prices are ott anyway.
currys give you an option to buy selected tv's with an 5yr warranty

JL prices are usually the price recommended by the Products manufacture, Not every company like's to make 5% on something they sell like Curry's, and the fact they will give a 5 year warranty with every telly, that cost has to come from some where.

Pay slightly more, get better service, pay less expect to be treated poorly, and stuck when it goes wrong.
"You have six years to take a claim to court for faulty goods in England, Wales and Northern Ireland; in Scotland you have five years."

Proving your claim for faulty goods

If your claim under the Sale of Goods Act ends up in court, you may have to prove that the fault was present when you bought the item and not, for example, something which was the result of normal wear and tear.

If its been working fine for four years , how are you going to prove the fault was present when you bought it?
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