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LHR fully 100% unlocked now - expect GPU prices to rise

Good find

Sonny, there are so many cards out there, but this way appears to have high power consumption, with energy prices rising and the difficulty of dual mining or the niche of it with only one miner, will put many off they can get non LHR cards of the bay for the same price?
Good find

Sonny, there are so many cards out there, but this way appears to have high power consumption, with energy prices rising and the difficulty of dual mining or the niche of it with only one miner, will put many off they can get non LHR cards of the bay for the same price?

it's not high energy consumption at all. It's same as you would without LHR.

Different algorithms use different power. So ravencoin uses more than ergo as an example. If you want to mine ravencoin then sure it uses more power but if you want to mine ergo it uses less. So it's the same power as before as that has always been the case. If it used more power then it wouldn't be more profitable. This effectively unlocks 100% of the power by using 30% of the gpu to mine ethereum and 70% (without LHR kicking in) to mine one of 3 other altcoins of your choosing.

i fully expect prices to rise now until ethereum time bomb kicks in because of the chip shortage. having a crypto boom, chip shortage, pandemic and evergreen canal incident is unprecedented. if mining does crash. you won't see as big a GPU crash as before but I do expect a crash come early 2022 (feb/march) however until then prices should continue to rise. before stabilising then dropping.

if you have an LHR card you can now make similar amounts of profit as non lhr. very little in it. that means LHR cards will be more in demand to miners.
Good find

Sonny, there are so many cards out there, but this way appears to have high power consumption, with energy prices rising and the difficulty of dual mining or the niche of it with only one miner, will put many off they can get non LHR cards of the bay for the same price?
Isn’t this unlock basically mining 2 profitable coins at the same time? That’s not really an unlock.
Doubt mining will be that popular over the winter. People are about to see the biggest leccy bills they've ever seen.
Isn’t this unlock basically mining 2 profitable coins at the same time? That’s not really an unlock.

It's just numbers. If LHR cards make the same profit as non-LHR cards, then miners will pay the same high prices for the cards.

"Locked", "unlocked", "pixie dust"...doesn't matter. It all boils down to "profit."
Doubt mining will be that popular over the winter. People are about to see the biggest leccy bills they've ever seen.

Winter would be the best time to mine.. If you were going to heat your house with electric anyway then the mining is free surely?
Isn’t this unlock basically mining 2 profitable coins at the same time? That’s not really an unlock.

Yes and no.

You could mine before but got only 50% on Ethereum or 75% on ergo and 100% on everything else.

Ergo could be fooled into 100% by using low power limits.

Ethereum had been hacked to get to 70% from 50%.

You can now mine ergo at 70% of 100% and Ethereum at 30% of 100% meaning you now get 100% usage out of the card whilst mining.

Before you were getting maximum 70% when using Ethereum you can now push that to 100% by mining ergo at the same time or raven coin or the other third coin.

Either way. LHR cards could only work 100% on the likes of raven before but people want to mine Ethereum whilst maxing their ROI. You can do this now with this new unlock.

Profits on LHR cards have increased as a result.
Yes and no.

You could mine before but got only 50% on Ethereum or 75% on ergo and 100% on everything else.

Ergo could be fooled into 100% by using low power limits.

Ethereum had been hacked to get to 70% from 50%.

You can now mine ergo at 70% of 100% and Ethereum at 30% of 100% meaning you now get 100% usage out of the card whilst mining.

Before you were getting maximum 70% when using Ethereum you can now push that to 100% by mining ergo at the same time or raven coin or the other third coin.

Either way. LHR cards could only work 100% on the likes of raven before but people want to mine Ethereum whilst maxing their ROI. You can do this now with this new unlock.

Profits on LHR cards have increased as a result.

Nvidia might launch a block in the next set of drivers ?
Everyone knew it would be cracked at some point. Miners I have been buying lhr cards for ages as they knew at some point it would be unlocked and it still mines perfectly well on other coins. Except for fe cards everything is lhr now so it’s all people can get hold of now anyway.
Winter would be the best time to mine.. If you were going to heat your house with electric anyway then the mining is free surely?

That's a pretty elaborate domestic mining setup to be able to hear every room with GPUs, let alone the noise. :D

I could be wrong but always thought profitability took electric prices into account.
Considering energy prices in the UK are about to go up even more to feed the greedy shareholders I don't think mining is worth it at all anymore.
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