Lian Li PC-O11 White: let me be your Halo! (Phanteks halo test)

Managed to get AIO attached to the Board :) Also upload images of the PSU at the back :)

and @8 Pack , damn that RAM is tight- Pun intended :D

Quite like the Superflower Plat King, nice and small and was on a cracking deal!



On wards to the AIO- thanks AMD for making it far easier then Intel versions of the kit! And all the case panels are snap on! dream to work with !!!


Push row fills the void in at the top but can be an issue with installing the fan closes to the IO

Pure Wing Fans are starting to grow on me

Hello Ryzen! Ryzen 7 1700



Time to mate



Reading Reviews of Silent Loops- they all got stick for having too much tubing, this time around the 360 is perfect!


Stunning ram- wonder if there was someway to get an RGB panel behind the metal glad to light up the holes with RGB...



Got to love that view, no idea why some people block it and install the 3x 120 fan bracket =/

Hope his lunch time update pleases @Plec ;)
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Early start to install 3x Pure Wings at the bottom and see how the 6th fan would work out - if did! bit of a squeeze and i completely forgot to pick up a 4 pin EPS red cable... fail!

images were off phone , got Hi Res shots but didn't have time to load up so have put them in a spoiler :)



cant help but feel the Zoatc Extreme + needs to get an AIO and Krajen G10/12 To fill some void at the bottom
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cant help but feel the Zoatc Extreme + needs to get an AIO and Krajen G10/12 To fill some void at the bottom
The motherboard does look a bit lonely in there - custom water - a reservoir with red coloured coolant to match your braiding. Should keep you busy :D




should keep ryzen cool :)

Nicely done - you managed to squeeze it in.

I'll be very interested in your temps when you clock that 1700 within in a nanometer of its silicon life.

Looks good bud - perhaps a fake reservoir with tubes to nowhere :D - wonder if anyone's done that?..
@Plec although i need to take it back out, install the 4 pin extension cable i forgot to order, hook up the 6th fan to one of the CPU headers, the other use an extension to the PWM fan hub then reinstall it :D

5 fans are from Silent AIO so spin max 2000 rpm, 6th is 1500RPM fan. seems you cant buy the higher RPM AIO fans- not that would want to run them 100% as they have bad diminishing returns on speed for sound . Push pull should allow same performance of a single set at 100% to 6 at 50% max :D

I think he may go full custom later - and shouldn't be to hard. silent loop is an Alphacool DC-LT pump so can add one of that alone with GPU block and res.
or r slap an Eiswolf GPU AIO with rad at the bottom for independent systems - maybe give each one a res haha
quick unmanaged fit :)


80mm installed in the PSU chamber- mainly to keep possitive pressure in the case but should give some air to the 2x4TB HDD

Fan hub should help with the 6 fans but epic fail. Need a female to female extension!!

Still awaiting white cable combs



Wishing they had Yellow Braided extensions when I ordered :/ although red is nice and striking


Zotac actually matches the Hero scheme nicely!


from my phone- nice tight fit



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Coming along orbital.

It's a shame those 8 pin inputs aren't sunken down - like on the Aorus so they shield/hide the connectors lower down.

What about a PCIE 90 Degree Angle Low Profile adaptor so they come out from the side of the card? Wouldn't be so high and may add a bit more interest coming off the side/back of the card?
Coming along orbital.

It's a shame those 8 pin inputs aren't sunken down - like on the Aorus so they shield/hide the connectors lower down.

What about a PCIE 90 Degree Angle Low Profile adaptor so they come out from the side of the card? Wouldn't be so high and may add a bit more interest coming off the side/back of the card?

Luckily it all fits. Speaking of Aorus , a £620 Ti Xtreme almost went in, Distribution got 5 in and went in half a few hours before I could shift his mind to it

Might be able to use Evga power link thing
Speaking of Aorus , a £620 Ti Xtreme
Agreed, I would have grabbed one of those - great price and very effective cooling.

Having said that the Zotac's triple fan alignment matches the AIOs and bottom fans - so you have continuity of look throughout.

Might be able to use Evga power link thing
That would be a tidy solution - it would sit quite high still but the look would be in keeping with your card (ignoring logo). Pricey...
Nice build mate, the yellow actually looks good with the red and black just needs some fancy lighting like you said maybe.
Agreed, I would have grabbed one of those - great price and very effective cooling.

Having said that the Zotac's triple fan alignment matches the AIOs and bottom fans - so you have continuity of look throughout.

That would be a tidy solution - it would sit quite high still but the look would be in keeping with your card (ignoring logo). Pricey...

Seems Evga link won't work as pins upside down :(

Yeah, seems very thing is triple fans haha. Need to move the AIO about 5-10mm closer to the rear is it's parallel to the fans at the bottom :)

Did try to sway him over to 120/360 AIO with Kraken g10 at the bottom but he might attempt it later down the line - or go custom

Nice build mate, the yellow actually looks good with the red and black just needs some fancy lighting like you said maybe.

Thanks, have a spare Phanteks LED strip kit which I said I'll put in the case tuck behind the bottom fans :)
Don't think he's keen on massive RGB but one strip and board/GPU should be enough for a subtle lighting show
looks nice mate... but the tubing on aio and those yellow accents on the gpu don't look good :p

Alphacool ain't link coils since they are OEM of the unit. Not plastic to but metal! Tried cutting once and a tough cookie. Left on for units warranty and can help if you need some tight bends .
Seems Zotac ditch the yellow in the Ti version?
Just wishing I could have got yellow cables to match at the time :(
so, was speaking the friend I was building this for about RGB Halo fan covers and air flow and 3D printing ideas, as he does 3D printing on the side next to CAD work.

first suggestion was to get a mobo cover like the Intel versions do such as the Code! think he'd have a little niche market there- no idea why Asus didn't include this and specially on the Extreme version!

Im guessing theres a fair few owners on here that wouldn't mind having this look?

2nd was the idea of coming up with a Vertical mount for the PC-O11... this is a kit
But listed on OCUK at £70 and everywhere else. a key problem, it doesn't allow the bottom fans to be installed.

There is another Vertical mount kit list here , and else where at a much better price of £40 odd and supports the GPU its self so fans can be kept. But requires cutting of the stock PCI plate/support

Listed the idea to him about him making his own. When he gets the system he'll be able to remove the GPU and unscrew the PCI base plate, use that as a template and mock up a 3D printed version that can mount directly to the bolt locations, get the Zotac Amp Extreme vertical , support it as well as allow the bottom fans to be installed!
Got around to fitting his 2x 4TB drives- jesus their heavy! and 500GB SSD.

Not going to lie, i looked at the cages and thought... wtf! so many screws (didnt read in the manual ) - to realise the cage sits/slots onto four of the with a thump screw attached the cage to the tray.... such a neat idea and loved it!






All thats left to do now if format the drives with the HDD in Raid 1 . Cable management since its all built now and lastly to update BIOS and overclock the CPU/RAM

Did have a quick play with the Zoatc!

stock with power limit to max



And then with overclock - 60hz to core and 250hz to the core . Did have 400hz to the memory with 40hz increase to the core, but looks increasing the core causes glitches with the memory :(
Voltage is set to max, will see how high i can hit with the core then try the ram to its max. Havent changed stock paste yet and fan profile is on default which is ******* annoying !!!! lol
3 Pure wings underneath are at constant 50%



once i've found the max OC will let Firestrike Stress test run for an hour or so

tests ran at stock for Ryzen 1700 and ram on default 2133hz !
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Flashed the BIOS yet? :p (Just replied/read your reply on another thread :D).

Compared to the rest of the build (and builds in general) HDD's are starting to look the way Floppy drives looked as they began to die out - bulky and antiquated. It's odd how the eye/brain views tech once new advancements start to become the norm...

I have one system now HDD free - it's bliss. When I eventually get my teeth into my own Ryzen build - late 2017 early 2018 - i'm going completely HDD free again apart from external back up which may be a server in the loft. Decisions...

Looking good bud - still pleased with case choice - you seemed a bit undecided in an earlier post?
Flashed the BIOS yet? :p (Just replied/read your reply on another thread :D).

Compared to the rest of the build (and builds in general) HDD's are starting to look the way Floppy drives looked as they began to die out - bulky and antiquated. It's odd how the eye/brain views tech once new advancements start to become the norm...

I have one system now HDD free - it's bliss. When I eventually get my teeth into my own Ryzen build - late 2017 early 2018 - i'm going completely HDD free again apart from external back up which may be a server in the loft. Decisions...

Looking good bud - still pleased with case choice - you seemed a bit undecided in an earlier post?

sorry, the case choice was for my self in replacing the parvum haha, might have my eye on the PC-O12!!! but the colour has grown on me but not the off tint on the windows :(

True, i think if ram prices didnt increase 1TB would be flying left right and center ! when i got mine 2 years ago, almost double din price!

But for my friend , with the amount of CAD word and other such projects , high storage is key, specially in Raid 1 for back up. and 2x free 4 HDD- cant turn it down lol

not sure how long the 500GB SSD will last him though

waiting on the Phanteks Halo ring, would be nice to ship this with them on but still waiting :(
But for my friend , with the amount of CAD word and other such projects , high storage is key, specially in Raid 1 for back up. and 2x free 4 HDD- cant turn it down lol
Hehe - agreed. Plus, RAID 1 on regular HDD is still an extremely safe way of backing up - and certainly cost effective. Even more so when they're free!

waiting on the Phanteks Halo ring, would be nice to ship this with them on but still waiting :(
Should liven things up in there - look forward to seeing the overall affect.
Hehe - agreed. Plus, RAID 1 on regular HDD is still an extremely safe way of backing up - and certainly cost effective. Even more so when they're free!

Should liven things up in there - look forward to seeing the overall affect.

if there was a 3 then Raid 10 would have been perfect!!!

would over the Pure's casing nicely and is a shame theres no room at the top for them, least between the fan and mobo - least the VRM are cool! have mentioned putting a row at the top then adding the top panel for a glow
@8 Pack , must say your ram is beastly !

Managed to run 3600hz fine at stock 1700 speeds , but currently on core of 3.85Ghz @1.4v and 3466hz for the ram.
Able to drop the Vcore but just set it at that to see how far is can get with it , every test takes a while :/



Score is 16** , this one was lower due to all programs open in the background


Next step, 3.9Ghz - don't really want to push higher then 1.4vcore due to him Raytracing projects over night ,5 days a week .

SOC is set to 1.125v and PLL 1.8v. LLC set to Level 2 @ 140% with memory at the same settings
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