LiE's Log Part 4



2 Aug 2005
Milton Keynes
My last log ended in 2013, plagued with injuries there wasn't much to write about. I then had my son in 2015 and gym hit a new low. I was still ticking along in my home gym but nothing really clicked. Over the next few years my weight stayed about the same (75kg) and lifting didn't amount to much. In Jan 2018 I decided to sell my home gym and go back to my local DW to give myself a boost. 2018 for the most part was good and I started added some strength and weight again.

I'm now 78-79kg, still with dodgy knees and a ropey shoulder but they are manageable. I'm 33 now, 34 in July, so not in the same place I was when I was 27 and in my peak. My goals for this year are to steadily add some more muscle and get some of my strength back. I also want to keep things sensible for longevity.

My training is a split, and it's hybrid in so much as I'm doing my main lifts with strength in mind but other lifts are focused on gaining size.

Diet is going well at the moment, mainly eating beef mince, brown rice, chicken breast and sweet potato.

Monday - Chest/Tricep
Tuesday - Back/Bicep
Thursday - Shoulders/Core
Friday - Legs

Doing 15 minutes mobility each morning trying to keep my legs from seizing and my shoulders from sitting too far forward.

My current maxes:
Bench 130
Dead 180
Squat 170
Dealing with a mild case of elbow pain, so after today's chest/tricep workout I'll be switching a few things round for the next week to ensure I don't aggravate it.

Took delivery of my Power Perfect 3s, squatting on Friday will be testing them out. So much gear for squatting now! belt, knee sleeves, shoes.

Paused Bench Press
60 x 10
80 x 8
100 x 3
110 x 3
110 x 3

Weighted Dips
BW x 12
+20 x 8
+35 x 8
+45 x 8

Incline DB Press
30 x 10
40 x 8
40 x 8

Tricep Pushdown
35 x 8 x 3

Cable Rope Extensions
20 x 8 x 3

Diamond Press ups x 2 sets
Back/Biceps this morning. Keeping in mind I had a tender elbow I just did deadlifts.

40 x lots x 2
90 x 5
120 x 3
150 x 3
150 x 3
150 x 3 - comfy.

Paused Deadlifts
100 x 3 x 3

Deadlifts I was trying something a little different form wise, stolen from icecold :p

Paused deadlifts felt good, paused just off the floor to reinforce this new lifting cue.

I've agreed with work to move my hours around so I'll now be training 4.15 - 5.15 most days now instead of 11.15 - 12.15.

My elbow is getting better but I don't want to **** it which means sitting out today's shoulder workout. Tomorrow I am on-site for a customer so no training there. Then Friday I'll be testing out the new Power Perfect 3s with some squats. I need to spend the next couple days opening up my chest because a tight chest/shoulders causes my elbows to feel it during a squat.
Squats today first time using Oly shoes. They felt very natural and helped with a little missing depth. Pleased with how they felt but before I get carried away getting back to a 200 squat I want to spend a little time bedding in the new form. Next few weeks I’m going to focus on box squats and lots of medial glutes work.

Mobility / warm up

60 x 10
60 x 10
80 x 8
100 x 5
120 x 3
140 x 3
140 x 3
140 x 3

Bulgarian Deficit Slit Squats
40 x 8
40 x 8
Both legs effectively 2 sets each leg total 4 sets.

Took an hour. Elbow felt OK. Knees a little warm from the sleeves.

Last set.

New pure gym opening just round the corner so gonna check that out when it opens. Hopefully more than 1 deadlift platform and 1 squat rack.
Yea good shout. Next step will bring a DSLR and production crew for full YouTuber bro mode...

Weight this morning 77.8kg. Need to up my cals a touch. I’m leaning out a little more but strength is increasing.
That Grip Tight holds my XR (what I'm recording with currently) in a Silcone case but that's pretty much end of range for it, won't accomodate a phone wider than that. No doubt there are other holders. The mount to the pod is a standard camera/SLR thread.

Have wrapped the gorilla pod round many vertical things in the past or hung it off equipment without any concern for dem angles.

Lean out crew checking in.
In. Gooch deep.

My last log ended in 2013

Dem feels. Similar time for me as my second log was a failure.

Might have to jump back on the logwagon seeing as all the rest of the old crew are on it :p Plus with new job working from home I'll gain over an hour of my day back which is going to be dedicated to gym and diet so may as well include logging...
Taken this week off to give my elbow enough rest, suffer the caffeine detox and put some kind of plan together.
Trained yesterday, elbow was feeling OK. I was all kinds of tight up in my thoracic which made chest fun. I'm not going to follow any strength program for a while yet until I'm happy with how my joints are moving. So for now I shall try to hit some hypertrophy.

Paused Bench Press
Bar x lots x 2
60 x 8
80 x 5
100 x 5
100 x 5
80 x 12 - not paused

Weighted Dips
BW x 15
+25kg x 8
+25kg x 8

DB Incline Press
24 x 12
32 x 10
32 x 10

I then did a ton of low weight high rep work on the cables to pump my triceps into oblivion, really helped my elbows feel juicy.

Back/Biceps today.
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