LiE's Log Part 4

I must say I wasn't really a fan of oblique or core-specific exercises until I started doing the "half kneeling single arm landmine press."

But then, I don't lift as much as I would like or as often.

I shall give them ago.

Today was chesty mc chest and shoulders. I decided to open with flat DB bench press which I haven't done in years, I usually only do incline with DBs. Took a few sets to get the groove then went for a strong top set. I didn't manage to get as much volume on my shoulders today as I spent 10 minutes talking to my brother in law who just joined up. The other thing I did was use the plate loaded shoulder press machine and go lighter, my stabilisers/shoulders were already pretty tired after heavy DB pressing.

Chest / Shoulders
Duration: 61m

Bench Press DB
24 x 16
30 x 13
36 x 12
44 x 12
50 x 14 - Das it.

Bench Press BB
Went for a wider grip to try and remove some triceps, they were already pretty engaged from the DB pressing.
60 x 12
80 x 11
100 x 10
100 x 13 - Das it, pump is strong now.

Pec Fly Machine
59 x 12
66 x 12
66 x 10 - much squeeze, very pump.

Shoulder Press (Plate Loaded)
15 x 15
15 x 18
25 x 15

DB Lateral Raises
8 x 20
8 x 17
8 x 17
4 x 12 - super strict superset.

18 x 15
18 x 15
18 x 15

Upright row
15 x 12
15 x 12
15 x 12
Arms yesterday.

The pump was really good and progressed on a number of lifts. For triceps I did close-grip bench press but tried a more bro form. Usually I'd go all the way to my chest but with a narrow grip this puts strain on my shoulder, so I did suicide grip and stopped about 2-3" from my chest. Felt really good.

Duration: 65m

Barbell Curl
15 x 20
35 x 12
45 x 10
45 x 9

Hammer DB Curl
16 x 13
16 x 10
16 x 10

Incline DB Curl
12 x 11
12 x 11
12 x 11

DB Preacher Curl
10 x 10/12
10 x 13/14

Close-grip Bench Press
60 x 12
80 x 10
100 x 10
110 x 8

Tricep Push Down (angle bar)
41 x 10
41 x 10
41 x 10

Cable extensions
10.2 x 12
10.2 x 9
10.8 x 8
Legs today.. squats take up most of the workout.

Pleased with my progression.

Duration: 62m

After 15 minutes mobility I started the first 2 sets doing box squats to get things firing.
60 x 12 - box
60 x 12 - box
100 x 8 - no more box.
120 x 5
140 x 5 - felt comfy.
155 x 5 - Hnnngg getting there now.
100 x 8 - box back now.
100 x 9 - boxy.

Had straps with me today so didn't die after 5 reps
110 x 10
130 x 8
130 x 9 - moved well.

X-band Walks
22, 22

Simple workout, hard though.

Squat video:
Needed more leg volume to get some growth going on, so now up to 6 days a week training.

Yesterday was legs part 2.

Today's weight: 82.6kg

Legs Part 2
Duration: 49m

Leg Press
Kept the weight light and focused on slow reps and keeping the tension purely on the quads. I know if I bring in hamstrings and glutes in the weight can go up to 350kg+.
100 x 15
100 x 15
150 x 15
150 x 16
150 x 16 - feels light but my god the quads were pumped to oblivion.

Calf Press on leg press
100 x 23
100 x 18
100 x 18

Leg Extension
Another one that I prefer going lighter and doing a squeeze at the top with a slower eccentric.
66 x 13
73 x 15
73 x 12
45 x 7 - drop set
25 x 3 - each rep held at the top for as long as possible. burn.

Lying Leg Curl
32 x 15
32 x 11
32 x 9
18 x 6 - drop set

Hip Abductor
39 x 20
39 x 20
39 x 20

Hip Adductor
45 x 12
45 x 13
45 x 7

Seated Calf Raise
59 x 12
59 x 14
59 x 12
Back / Core
Duration: 60m

Barbell Bent Over Row
Haven't done these in a while, I feel like are a good balancing movement to the bench press which I need to be mindful of. Don't want to be too dominate on my front side.
(w) 65 x 10
(w) 65 x 10
85 x 10
85 x 10
95 x 12 - belt and straps

Seated Cable Row
73 x 12
93 x 11
100 x 8 - belted

Chin up
12, 8, 11

Lat Pulldown
66 x 10
66 x 9
66 x 10

Cable Crunch
59 x 12
64 x 10
64 x 10
64 x 10

Half kneeling land mine
15 x 18
15 x 20
15 x 18

Plate Palloff Press
15 x 10
15 x 10
Chest and shoulders today, got side tracked talking to some guys in the gym so didn't get as much done. I did manage some decent bench pressing though :)

Chest / Shoulders
Duration: 60m
Weight: 83.4kg

DB Bench Press
24 x 15
30 x 12
40 x 12
50 x 12
50 x 10

Barbell Bench Press
60 x 10
100 x 5
120 x 5
140 x 3 - moved surprisingly well.
145 x 3 - not too bad considering the work I did previous.

Shoulder Press Plate Loaded
25 x 15
25 x 15
25 x 13

DB Lateral Raise
8 x 20
8 x 17
8 x 17

Reverse DB Fly
10 x 15
10 x 15
6 x 10
6 x 10
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