LiE's Log Part 4


Sunday is the only day where I'm not training on my lunch break so I can go for a longer session.

The lower session today which I'm about to head out and do, unfortunately is restricted to 60 minutes. After doing squats I feel like I need to curl up into a ball and die anyway.
Cracking shoulder workout today, managed to do seated DB Press with the 40s for 8 reps.

I'm now training 5 days a week and split things up a little more. The current plan:

Chest / Triceps
Quads / Biceps
Hamstrings / Back
Core / Legs

Hamstrings and Back tomorrow for the first time doing this combination. I feel like progress is going well.

Here's a recent pic.


About a year a part, I think I've made some gains?


(not sure what the mark on the shoulder is, probably from where dumbbells have touched during the workout, not there now)

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Duration: 61m

Dusted off the Vibram KSOs today, as I've been finding my Marrell barefoot have a little wiggle room and aren't as tight as I'd like for squatting. KSOs delivered, forgot why I stopped using them. After some dynamic warm ups I have to say today is the best my squats have felt is so long, they just clicked and the movement came instinctively. I made an effort to stretch the calves to help with a little more ankle ROM.
60 x 10
80 x 10
100 x 8
120 x 8
140 x 5
150 x 5 - really please with this set. In terms of 5s, this is the most I've done since I can remember. I have done 160x3 and 150x4 recently but not 150x5. Video below.
100 x 12

Dumbbell Step up
Tried the bench today instead of the box, but still finding these aren't that great due to the surface not being solid. I don't like my foot moving during the movement so I may try something else.
40 x 10/10
40 x 10/10

Walking Lunges
35 x 10/10
35 x 10/10 - gassed

Lying Leg Curl Machine
41 x 12
41 x 11

Seated Calf Raise
Still need to find a way to train calves more consistently. Double drop sets.
59 x 10
(d) 39 x 12
(d) 25 x 15
59 x 10
(d) 39 x 12
(d) 25 x 15

Coming off caffeine today, for hopefully only a week. Tolerance has definitely reached the upper limit. I'm aware that for performance the tolerance matter as it still works. For general well being and mood it is quite ineffective now, it has the opposite effect. If it goes OK I may stay off caffeine for an extra week.
Coming off caffeine today, for hopefully only a week. Tolerance has definitely reached the upper limit. I'm aware that for performance the tolerance matter as it still works. For general well being and mood it is quite ineffective now, it has the opposite effect. If it goes OK I may stay off caffeine for an extra week.

I have been off regular caffeine intake for around two months now and feel a lot less rubbish more of the time.

Admittedly, the first week is painful for my family, but it is definitely worth it.
I have been off regular caffeine intake for around two months now and feel a lot less rubbish more of the time.

Admittedly, the first week is painful for my family, but it is definitely worth it.

:D I had to get sign off from my wife to commence the caffeine detox.

I do like how I feel without caffeine it's definitely more stable, but I also love how I feel with a strong pre-workout when training hard. Perhaps this time I will try not to have caffeine on my off days and the 1 day I train late, giving me 3 days a week without caffeine. I was reading this is better for preventing a tolerance, it's the habitual daily consumption that greats that tolerance.
The last time I was off caffeine was sometime last summer. At least the only time I drink caffeine is before the gym, so it remains pretty effective.

I used to do that but I fell into the trap of having a couple coffees on my off days or while out on the weekends.
:D I had to get sign off from my wife to commence the caffeine detox.

I do like how I feel without caffeine it's definitely more stable, but I also love how I feel with a strong pre-workout when training hard. Perhaps this time I will try not to have caffeine on my off days and the 1 day I train late, giving me 3 days a week without caffeine. I was reading this is better for preventing a tolerance, it's the habitual daily consumption that greats that tolerance.

Ah, now that IS interesting... I'll use that as an excuse to drink coffee on my "on" days. :D

You're absolutely right about feeling more "stable" but enjoying the "amp-up" from strong caffeine hits - that's me to a T(ee).
Duration: 56m

Paused Bench Press
(w) 60 x 12
(w) 60 x 8
80 x 8
100 x 5
120 x 5 - felt awful! not sure if it's the lack of pre-workout or the fact I went hard on paused bench press on Sunday. I am considering of changing things around so I only do paused bench once a week and swap it for something else.
90 x 8

Seated DB Shoulder Press
(w) 20 x 12
30 x 10
34 x 10
34 x 9 - similar to above, doing these twice a week with less than 72 hours recovery is taxing.

Incline Chest Press (plate loaded)
Decided to do this instead of DBs as I was already tired. Weight is per side.
45 x 12
55 x 8
55 x 8

Tricep Push Down (angle bar)
32 x 12
41 x 12
45 x 7

Tricep Extension (rope)
23 x 12
23 x 12
23 x 11
(d) 14 x 9
I had been wondering why I had no withdrawal symptoms today and it turns out the multi vitamin from Bulk Powders gains green tea extract... so yea starting again tomorrow!
Duration: 57m

Chin up
13, 13, 12

Lat Pulldown
slow controlled reps for more TUT
66 x 10
66 x 10
66 x 11

Lat Push Down
27 x 12
32 x 10
32 x 10

DB Lateral Raise
8 x 20 x 4

Reverse DB Flyes
10 x 12
10 x 10
6 x 15
6 x 14

DB Bicep Curl
16 x 17
16 x 13

Incline DB Curl
10 x 12
12 x 11

Lateral Raise Cable
9 x 24 (total for both sides)
12 x 24
12 x 24

18 x 14 x 3
Leg day today, managed to tweak my back. So had to cut it short. Managed a solid top set on the squats but when did a back-off set it just went. Nothing a few days rest won't fix.

I am feeling the need to change the routine soon, recovery isn't quite where it needs to be for some of the lifts. I don't want to go back to once every 7 days, but every 3-4 days is tough when the weights are progressing.

Duration: 35m

(w) 60 x 12
(w) 60 x 12
100 x 8
120 x 8
130 x 10 - felt good, plenty more in the tank.
100 x 2 - mid back tweaked.

(w) 60 x 12
100 x 2 - tweaked back says no.

Went a did some rolling then called it a day. Can't wait to go get back on caffeine.
Tweaked back feels a lot better, so got in the gym as usual. I've changed up my routine as I've been doing the previous split for 10 weeks.

I'm still training 5 days a week, however the current split covers everything in 4 days meaning I should hit each muscle every 5 days or 6 days depending how the days fall. The extra recovery should help me progress as the weights get heavier.

Started off yesterday with chest / shoulders.

Chest / Shoulders
Duration: 65m

Bench Press
Dropped the weight back and slowed down the tempo. Gives some headroom to progress.
(w) 60 x 12
(w) 60 x 10
90 x 10
90 x 11
90 x 14 - did a few rest pause reps.

Incline Bench Press
Again starting lower and slowing them down
32 x 10
32 x 10
32 x 10

Chest Fly machine
The contraction on this machine is unreal, chest felt like it was going to pop out.
59 x 15
59 x 15
59 x 12

Chest Dips
BW x 19
BW x 19
Shall bring my belt next week to add some weight.

Seated DB Shoulder Press
30 x 11
30 x 8
30 x 8 - so hard after chest, front delts are already pretty tired so they don't need much.

Lateral DB Raises (seated)
8 x 20
8 x 20
8 x 20 - love going light and really hitting the muscle properly.

Reverse DB Fly
10 x 15
10 x 15
6 x 10 - super strict out to the side for the last 2 lighter sets
6 x 10

Lateral Cable Raises
9 x 12/12
9 x 12/12
9 x 12/12

The ropes were being used so did them single armed with a single handle attachment, they actually felt really good doing them this one
9 x 12/12
9 x 12/12
9 x 12/12 - very little rest between each arm.

Upright Rows
I like doing this very light and wide.
12.5 x 12
12.5 x 12
12.5 x 12

Today I have arms, yep a dedicated arm day to bring some real focus to them.

Caffeine detox has been pretty good this time round, no real symptoms. No headaches at all. This tells me that I didn't have as much of a tolerance as I had in the past. Already stocked the fridge with 8 cans of Monster white, planning to have my first sip on Wednesday.
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Haven't done an arms workout in a long time so it was quite fun and refreshing. The pump was intense and made sure to wear a stringer for dat der jooocey arm pump and snakes.

Duration: 60m

Barbell Bicep Curl
(w) 15 x 20
(w) 15 x 20
35 x 12
35 x 12
35 x 12

Hammer DB Curl
16 x 12
16 x 10
16 x 11

Incline DB Curl
12 x 10
12 x 12
12 x 12

DB Preacher Curl
10 x 10 / 10
10 x 11 / 11

Tricep Push Down angle bar
32 x 12
41 x 12
45 x 10

Tricep Extension Rope behind head
27 x 12
27 x 12
27 x 12

DB Kickback
8 x 12 / 12
8 x 12 / 12

Tricep Extension cable single arm
7.9 x 12 / 12
10.2 x 15 / 15
10.2 x 12 / 12

Tricep Extension machine
36 x 12
36 x 12

Seated Tricep dip machine
78 x 12
78 x 12

I may have got carried away with triceps variety, I may add in CGBP next session gauge it.
Rest day today and had my first hit of caffeine, an espresso. Feels soooo good. It's a blessing having such sensitivity to caffeine.

Arms and chest are sore from the previous 2 sessions, haven't had soreness in a while on the previous split. Still have a little niggle in my right pec that I can't quite bin down. It doesn't hurt to stop me pressing, but it doesn't feel right so I'm cautious.
Legs today and I have mixed feelings about it. Firstly 1 hour isn't enough to train legs, after mobility and squats I'm almost 35 minutes in. I am considering moving up to 6 days a week to have 2 separate leg days quads/hamstrings.

The other thing is I'm finding my squats are moving really well, but my doggy right side is causing my front hip flexor to get pretty hammered and tender. Find during the lift, no discomfort, but when I rack the weight and finish I can feel it niggling. I'm sure it's my right glute not firing as well as it should be, so I'm going to see if I can add in some stuff to get it working before I squat next time.

The heavier weights are feeling good now. Didn't tweak my back this time.

Duration: 58m

(w) 60 x 12
(w) 60 x 12
100 x 10
120 x 5
140 x 5
150 x 5 - last rep was a real tough one.

Screwed up and forgot my wrist straps so couldn't do any high reps
(w) 60 x 12
110 x 6
110 x 7
110 x 4 - grip says nope.

Leg Extensions
Do these nice a slow and go for a hold/squeeze at the top.
59 x 15
66 x 15
66 x 15

Lying Leg Curl
41 x 12
41 x 12
41 x 6 - couldn't get them to squeeze at the top so stopped short and went for drop sets.
32 x 8
18 x 8 - fast on the way up then a very slow negative.
Back and core today, was pretty decent. I hadn't planned it prior to going so ended up trying some different things - some which were good and others not so. Did 4 working sets on most as I wanted to save some time and get some more volume in.

Had to train a little earlier today at 10am as my wife was going to her Polenastic class.

Weight has bumped up the past few days to a peak of 83.7kg! back down to 83.2 this morning, I suspect it will settle down to around high 82s as I'm currently eating a bit more.

Back / Core
Duration: 60m

Chin ups
12, 14, 13, 11

Standing Cable Row single hand
Took few sets to find the correct weight for the reps.
34 x 12/12
47 x 12/12
54 x 12/12
61 x 12/12

Seated Row Machine (alternating)
Will go back to wide lat pull down here next session.
45 x 9/9
45 x 9/9
52 x 8/8
52 x 9/9

Lat Push Down
32 x 10
36 x 8
36 x 8

Cable Crunch
Took a while to get into these, I found engaging the glutes before each rep made a huge difference to how good these felt. The cable machine is also stupid in how little weight is transferred to the cable.
54 x 12
59 x 12
59 x 11
59 x 10

Russian Twist
didn't like these tbh so switched
16, 16

Landmine Oblique Twist
These felt better
20 x 8
20 x 8

Decline Crunches
12 - nope, struggled to get the abs to engage proper, too much hip flexor.

Lying Leg Raise
Had to do with a slight bend to the legs to get the hip flexors to quiet down.
12, 12
I must say I wasn't really a fan of oblique or core-specific exercises until I started doing the "half kneeling single arm landmine press."

But then, I don't lift as much as I would like or as often.
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