Last night's workout.
Bench Press: BAR, 60x10, 80x8, 100x10, 110x10, 110x10, 110x10
Dips: BWx10, +20x15, +20x15, +20x15
Wide Bench Press: 60x10, 80x10, 90x10
DB Flyes: 15x10, 15x10, 15x10 - nice and slow for dat burn
BB Curls: 20x10, 30x10, 35x10, 35x10 - under 60s rest
Seated DB Curls: 15x12, 15x12, 15x12
DB Hammer Curls: 15x12, 15x12, 15x12
DB Concentration Curls (per arm): 10x10, 10x10, 10x10 - slow controlled reps
Weights were on the light side for biceps but with the short rests they were getting a good beasting.