LiE's Strength Training Log

Das it mane. Training slowly returning to some deliciousness.

Kept squats lighter and went for a bit more volume... cardio. Forgot I squatted on Tuesday too, need to keep an eye on load.

140x8 - easy.. just no conditioning.
140x10 - wanted 10, was so much cardio. Weight was easy, form was good. Short rests were had.

90x8 - straps added
100x6 - heavy, considering I weigh 81.6kg.

Weighted Supinated Chins
20x8 - lawd

Wide Paused Pullups
5,5,4 - these are hard, especially doing the stuff before.

Mobility: Lats, RC, Ant Delt.

Bro's training is going well. Tonight he did 92.5x6x6 squats and 92.5x4x8 bench press. Dat ratio.
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:D cheers bros.
just need my shoulder to unsnap now. Got next week off work so I'll be doing all kinds of mobility.
Turns out I did over do it on my squats and my knees let me know, I really shouldn't have pushed myself simply because my knees were feeling OK. They are back to feeling good now but I'll be taking it easy probably until after xmas where I'll see how things are. Still hammering the mobility.

The trap/shoulder injury is still very much there, can't seem to shake it no matter what mobility I do, so it may take some time before I'm back on form.

Getting weaker by the day, RIP all gains...
Perks of having a sports therapist as a missus, but I can sense my body needs some proper R&R (and not just the rest it gets while I'm injured)...... Popped a trap last week which stopped me training, missus has worked on it a bit, but even I can feel how tight it is when she does; my left is a smooth mushy muscle when relaxed, my other trap is constantly tensing and feels tight as sin.

I think a lot of bros are gonna feel better in the new year after some time off!
I have noticed my grip for bench has been getting wider, used to be pink on the mark, now it's my ring finger. Going to correct that immediately. Also I think I'm exaggerating the back tightness/shoulder pinching to the point where my lats are dominating, so need to try and sort that out.
This thread needs some PBs

Next year no doubt ;)

So did a little more benching tonight, bought my grip in a little to correct that and focused on dat stable base more, worked well. Another few weeks and I should be back to pain free lifting. The rest of the workout was all kinds of back.

Paused Bench
120x3 - easy
130x3 - easy enough, just need to be careful of injury here.

Paused Wide Pull-ups
5,6,6 - such lat feels

Supinated Chins
20x8,8,6 - lawd.

60x10,12,12 - hilariously hard at this point. Literally couldn't feel my back, pls respond!

NG Chins
10,10,10 - all dat back.

Band Face Pulls x lots x 3 - fuuuark pump

Wasn't the order I had planned but some phaggot was benching again and using the rack :rolleyes:
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