Last couple of workouts, still in rehab mode. Trap has improved, but still limits the weights I can shift on pressing. Knees are also improving, but do need to be careful so nothing heavy for a while yet. Have been doing plenty of pulling movements recently for dat back. I have been doing leg mobility everyday.
Supinated Chins
BWx8, BWx4
+65xF,F,F - 90% of the way there each time, biceps just couldn't lock it out! could have probably got 60kg.
BWx12,13,11 - love how light these are after +65.
Paused Wide Pull ups
+1c x4,5 - added 1 chain.
60x10,10,10 - no power left for these.
Bench Press
100x5 - paused a couple
120x5 - again paused a couple. trap getting hot with heavier weights. Pressing it out wasn't an issue which is frustrating.
105x6 - all paused
100x10 - nice. as long as I work hard to keep my left shoulder pinned down real tight the trap is OK.
80x10,10 - a little triceps
Rollouts x10 x3
HLR x 10 x3
Dips x lots x 4
Various chins x lots x 4
Some light squats tomorrow.