LiE's Strength Training Log

I'm still topless most training sessions, it gets warm.

Yeah - I've noticed that with my training, too. Regardless of the temperature outside and in the dungeon when I start training (normally wearing a gilet, too), by the first few sets of snatch, I'm drenched in sweat.

Just thought I'd put that out there. :o
Last couple of workouts, still in rehab mode. Trap has improved, but still limits the weights I can shift on pressing. Knees are also improving, but do need to be careful so nothing heavy for a while yet. Have been doing plenty of pulling movements recently for dat back. I have been doing leg mobility everyday.

Supinated Chins
BWx8, BWx4
+65xF,F,F - 90% of the way there each time, biceps just couldn't lock it out! could have probably got 60kg.
BWx12,13,11 - love how light these are after +65.

Paused Wide Pull ups
+1c x4,5 - added 1 chain.

60x10,10,10 - no power left for these.

Bench Press
100x5 - paused a couple
120x5 - again paused a couple. trap getting hot with heavier weights. Pressing it out wasn't an issue which is frustrating.
105x6 - all paused
100x10 - nice. as long as I work hard to keep my left shoulder pinned down real tight the trap is OK.

80x10,10 - a little triceps

Rollouts x10 x3
HLR x 10 x3
Dips x lots x 4
Various chins x lots x 4

Some light squats tomorrow.

Also, have you tried adding in the trap stretch component of the elbow in the air banded lat stretch? Get's some joocy parts of the trap.

Which one do you mean? Probably seen it but can't think which one exactly you're talking about.

Steedie, chins are sexual, I do them most workouts now.
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