Lifetime ban for British Fortnite cheat

Not only a mention but lead headline ! Mind you, Brexit is on a bit of a lull at the moment, Greta the Puppet isnt up to much either and Bake Off is finished and I'm a Celebrity hasnt started yet, so I guess there isnt much else to put to the top :)

Greta is "marooned" in USA and cannot find suitable vessel for the trip to Spain. Muahah.
He's made several million pounds playing this game, he's 17 years old. I doubt he'll be planning on a 9-5 job any time soon.

Wouldnt be surprised if his parents nabbed it all as his "agent" and he just gets what they give him. I bet he lives in a big house and his parents drive expensive cars etc.
Apparently Ninja said that he thinks pros/streamers shouldn't be banned for cheating, because a random person cheats and then makes a new account, but a streamer caught cheating it ruins their career... What idiotic logic is that? How about the pro/streamer just doesn't cheat, then theres no risk of a ban to ruin their career.
Apparently Ninja said that he thinks pros/streamers shouldn't be banned for cheating, because a random person cheats and then makes a new account, but a streamer caught cheating it ruins their career... What idiotic logic is that? How about the pro/streamer just doesn't cheat, then theres no risk of a ban to ruin their career.
so it's ok to cheat at your job, but not at your hobby? :confused::D
He's made several million pounds playing this game, he's 17 years old. I doubt he'll be planning on a 9-5 job any time soon.

I doubt he has the financial acumen to keep hold of that money. Hopefully it's with a guardian or he has a good IFA.

I still find it insane how much people can earn playing a video game, and I must admit than I'm a little jealous that I am not young enough, good enough, or likeable enough to do so myself :p

What kind of complete moron throws that gravy train down the toilet by cheating?
funny thing is he already made £20,000 off this apology video in add revenue :p

Its bonkers really, I do feel for educaters these days, it must be so hard to try and motivate kids to become doctors, scientists, lawyers, historians, botanists etc etc, when you can make that sort of money by streaming videos instead.
i think the problem is though many who dont understand social media think its just a case of start recording or streaming and you making money. that isnt the case. you do need a under lying talent in the first place. anyone can youtube or stream whether you make a living from it is a totally different story. just like playing football. anyone can go on the park kick a ball around. how many of those will become professional paid footballers. very few.

so id only encourage people who are creative talented to do youtubing or streaming as otherwise youd be better of with any job.
Theres also an enormous amount of luck involved to get discovered. Some people stream for years and only manage to build up a small double digit community, then get lucky and get randomly hosted by a big streamer and go into the thousands overnight. So a mix of being talented/entertaining + lots of luck. It's only going to get harder and harder as streaming becomes more mainstream.

Or if you're female and good looking, you just need to wear a low cut top and skin tight shorts and you will get free advertising all over reddit etc and become a hit in no time...
Hahaha...awww diddums...even used the old "I've never done anything like this before" line, which translated into normal persons speak is "I've never been caught doing anything like this before" :D

On a sidenote, thats the lead headline?? Good lord, slow news day or what.

THOU SHALT NOT USE THE DIDDS' NAME IN VEIN! Dammit have you no respect man :mad:

What's @Diddums done now.

He has been rather quiet for a while :p:rolleyes:

Yea, I was thinking the same. I know he was finding some of the, ummm, "discussions" a bit tedious, perhaps he's just taking some time out.

Come on, @Diddums. Shake a leg, man. :)

To the rest of you, I still exist, I am still here, I have merely had my access to the life forums removed so I rarely log in nowadays. So much good stuff to post but I can't. It's a shame.

As for this Fortnite fella, I'll be brutally honest here, I don't really give a monkey's anymore. I'm so sick to death of reading about famous youtubers and instagram influencers and thots and all the other social drivel which clogs up my feeds that I just avoid it as much as possible. Nothing surprises me anymore but what irritates me is that these one-in-a-million kids are becoming the next role models for the yoofs, when the press is all too keen to ignore the pitfalls and work required to get there, so today's kids simply think that they can create a youtube channel and bask in the glory and wealth overnight, when in reality most of these famous kids end up missing school, are sleep deprived, live extremely unhealthy lives and many will face depression by the time they're 21 and the spotlight has moved on to the next big thing, leaving them with at best the money they've earned and at worst an empty life full of fancy possessions and no social interaction. It's sad really.
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THOU SHALT NOT USE THE DIDDS' NAME IN VEIN! Dammit have you no respect man :mad:

To the rest of you, I still exist, I am still here, I have merely had my access to the life forums removed so I rarely log in nowadays. So much good stuff to post but I can't. It's a shame.

That explains things. I hope you got your money's worth. :)

Good to hear you're well and to see you posting again.
Should we start a free @Diddums movement it's all the craze it would appear :p

Naaaa just tag him in lots of GD posts which he can't read :p

On topic though - I have no knowledge of the streamer but if he hasn't used aimbots before and was genuinely a one off video showing what aimbots can do then it seems harsh to give him a lifetime ban. I know aimbots are third party but I don't really see a one off demonstration video all that different to the countless videos that demonstrate exploits in games.

Still, as I understand it, it's his Fortnite account that got banned so he can still upload to youtube / stream so surely it's just a case of switching to another game.
I have never heard of this kid, but anyone cheating deserves to be banned for life. When I was a lot younger I did it and I won't lie, I was banned on Steam and 12 years later I am on a new account with 2000 games, would never dream of doing something so scummy again. So anyone caught cheating deserves to be banned, I am so against cheating now it's crazy.
I have never heard of this kid, but anyone cheating deserves to be banned for life. When I was a lot younger I did it and I won't lie, I was banned on Steam and 12 years later I am on a new account with 2000 games, would never dream of doing something so scummy again. So anyone caught cheating deserves to be banned, I am so against cheating now it's crazy.

I once cheated on Sonic?

At the title screen, press Up, C, Down, C, Down, C, Down, C, Left, C, Right. You'll hear a ring sound. Start the game when holding A to be in Config mode that the Score and Time are distorted. Press B to enable Config mode, that Sonic morphs into a ring.

It still haunts me to this day.
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