Lightsabre battle

The things geeks will do to try and impress girl's .

Very good movie thogh and thay are both very skilled in the black art of the light saber ;)

The force is strong with the one in black :eek:
WolfR1der said:
They were fighting like that with £90 replicas? You sure about that, certainly some good editing going on there.

Still. that was impressive. Must have been hard keeping a straight face through all that. Very entertaining.

You know you'd want to be the guy at the end, though :D

All edited ... you can not make that kind of light with a fake LS ;)
If its made the same was as my geeky mate does them they use Adobe software to light a white stick. You tell the software what part of the video or image you want it to follow and off it goes!
Ryan vs Dorkman is a great saber fight - visual effects geeks like me have seen this film years ago :) They weren't fighting with ForceFX sabers - they were using aluminium rods. The effects were done in Adobe After Effects, it's a fairly simple method of a four-point mask keyframed, duplicated and blurred. I've done it myself loads of times.
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Think, these are the ones they used.


Nice site.
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Cool indeed. Whilst on the subject of home produced SFX, I'm surprised the fat kid's not been mentioned :D
MasterMike said:
Ryan vs Dorkman is a great saber fight - visual effects geeks like me have seen this film years ago :) They weren't fighting with ForceFX sabers - they were using aluminium rods. The effects were done in Adobe After Effects, it's a fairly simple method of a four-point mask keyframed, duplicated and blurred. I've done it myself loads of times.

lol what a legend
I know I'm gonna get flamed for this, but I have to say I thought the fight choreography on that was better than in most of the actual SW movies - the original ones were a bit plain and low-tech, and the newer ones went to the other extreme with far too many wire stunts and ridiculously fast swordwork (I realise they're "light" sabers but it looked weightless and unsatisfying). This struck just the right balance between cinematic extravagance and realism so that it was flamboyant but visceral.
Obviously those kids don't have the agility of trained athletes, and it's clear they don't have any fencing or martial arts training, but the execution was adequate and the camerawork managed to hide their flaws well: it was the imaginativeness and the drama of the fight choreography itself that impressed me! I haven't seen anything this original since Princess Bride and its "I'm not actually left-handed" gag! :p (In Western swordfighting flicks anyway - Asian is another matter.)
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