Limit Theory: An Infinite, Procedural Space Game

So do the infinity universe people.
These are both beautiful looking games.

We've been on about Infinity for a while on these forums. The other one to add to the list is Outerra/Anteworld.

Infinity is doing a kickstarter in january last time I checked

Q1 there has been a problem with the way he does atmospheric scattering and getting the LOD on the planets - he actually posted something the other day! He's switched the Bruneton's method which is another one to follow if people like this kind of stuff (Proland). As for other things of this ilk then there is Miguel Cepero @ + there is another one in the making to but you'll find out about that a lot later.
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Hey 99Androidguy777 I've liked some of the latest threads you've made, are you interested in doing the same thing for Indie Retro News?, won't have to do very much just basically the same thing you are doing here :). We need more news contributors

Looks fantastic. I can just imagine exploring space with some surreal music whirring in my ears, while beholding a myriad of colours in the expanding universe! About time I played a space game. Haven't really touched anything since Elite.
Hey 99Androidguy777 I've liked some of the latest threads you've made, are you interested in doing the same thing for Indie Retro News?, won't have to do very much just basically the same thing you are doing here :). We need more news contributors


Okay lets have a talk about this on steam then. :)
I will add you to my friends list.

Edit: I have added you Neil.
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Wonder why the dev for Limit Theory is only asking for $50,000. Also not much gameplay was evident at all.

All there is is an engine which is quite impressive but thats it. Also if the universe is procedurally generated is this basically Diablo in space then? (what would that mean for the history of the worlds, systems etc basically empty?)


^ Edited my post slightly as I got the pre-alpha the wrong way around. Problem with massive scale procedural generation based space games aside from a very narrow audience most people will very quickly get bored of running into the same thing over and over with slightly different window dressing - while its essential for fleshing out a large scale space based game with current hardware and realistic development time ultimately when the game is focused purely or mostly around it it ends up very very boring.

Agree with this. Very sceptical.
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I pledged to Limit Theory not long after it went live. I feel a little sorry for the guy as his comments section has turned a little into a bitch fest about Elite : Dangerous.

*Edit* watch the Elite : Dangerous video with regards to procedural generation and how you can stop things being samey.

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If you haven't pledged yet and want access to the beta, there is a special tier at $45 that allows this. Before it was $60 minimum.
He uploading another video ATM.

Wonder what the next stretch goal will be, the trend is between 178-213k

If you haven't pledged yet and want access to the beta, there is a special tier at $45 that allows this. Before it was $60 minimum.
I keep thinking about using my bid to that, but with this sort of game, I hate restarting and so will wait for final game.
You guys seen the new update about nods/contracts/friends. This game gets better and better.

I hope the docking is the next stretch goal and it gets funded.
Why are people voting for oculus rift, very cool. But get as much proper content as possible before going that way. Docking adds so much more game play.
I don't know if I could get into a game like this without a storyline / campaign. In previous games like Freelancer I viewed the computer generated missions as fillers to allow me to make money and upgrade my ship before continuing with the story.
So I was a backer of this game last year. I saw the potential in it and Josh (the guy single handedly creating the game, until very recently) and I backed it at the prototype level.

Well, I have the prototype now! And it has to be said, considering one guy made this with the amount of polish and features it has at prototype level, I'm damn impressed. There's no NDA so I uploaded a vid:

It's only got a few missions, and no procedural universe yet (it was originally a combat prototype but has become more than promised!). I can't wait to see where this game goes.
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