Linux Cache utility

Originally posted by Shak
IGNORE THIS - I am setting up KDE


O.k no problems m8 (I have asked at ksetispy site)

You on a small hard drive ?

I have a couple if you you need one, free of course.
dezy, get the SUSE RPM, click on it you'll be promted for your password, press enter, it's installed, go looking for it in opt/kde3/bin zoom along till you find it in the dir, click on "ksetiSpy" fil in the info, thats ALL
O.k will have a look in 2 secs (I hate to say it but i'm in windows atm due to aol unlimited ! will sign up for another package soon)
O.k so i'm dumb

opt/kde3/bin = cant find ksetispy

I also cant find the RPM ? i know i have it installed as i checked , but remember i'm a newbie with about a total linux time of about 15 - 20 hrs !
o.k i have had it for a while but its only the last few days that i have been seriously getting to like it.
Hello Dezy,

Do I know you from somewhere?

Right mate, the thing thats wrong in the path is it should be


You missed out a slash.

Im not on a small hard disk (40GB) but I happen to have a problem with disk space (like I only have 3GB left :p)

Originally posted by Shak
Hello Dezy,

Do I know you from somewhere?

Right mate, the thing thats wrong in the path is it should be


You missed out a slash.

Im not on a small hard disk (40GB) but I happen to have a problem with disk space (like I only have 3GB left :p)


I got a couple of small drives knocking about if you want them m8
Originally posted by Dezyboy
13 gig and 2 gig

Thanks for the offer mate, but it dont seem fair to take one when I havent done anything to deserve one, plus it wont start a new cruncher.

Originally posted by Shak
Thanks for the offer mate, but it dont seem fair to take one when I havent done anything to deserve one, plus it wont start a new cruncher.


For all the help you have been m8 , I would gladly let you have them.
Still thanks, but no thanks :)

Im an open source person, I provide help free, and am easily distributable :)

Originally posted by Shak
As I asked before what GUI utilites do you use with VNC?


I just use KDE v3 on Slackware 8.1 (vnc uses kde) if that's what you mean.
What I meant was what programs do you use via VNC.

Dezyboy, stop being rude.

Hello Dezy,

Do I know you from somewhere?

Right mate, the thing thats wrong in the path is it should be


You missed out a slash.

That's wrong Shak, the true path is "/opt/kde3/bin/ksetispy" In Suse V8.0 ;)

Your confusing dizydezy :)
Originally posted by piccola
That's wrong Shak, the true path is "/opt/kde3/bin/ksetispy" In Suse V8.0 ;)

Your confusing dizydezy :)

Sorry about that, I run Gentoo and I found that me path was


Distro difference :)

Underbosses are specially chosen, I havent been selected and am therefore not an underboss. I just like to help around.

On a lighter note, KDE annoys me soo much!

This is nicer:

O.k I still baffled

I still dont know what you mean by "The Suse Rpm" rpm ?

And I dont seem to have ksetispy in the file opt/kde/bin I have just about everything else in there though. I installed it into home/deztboy/setispy.

I'm getting realy annoyed with myself now , I'm going to have a look round an try to find what you mean by the "rpm".
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