Linux Cache utility

And I dont seem to have ksetispy in the file opt/kde/bin I have just about everything else in there though. I installed it into home/deztboy/setispy.

Open your home directory up and select "Find" from the toolbar, search or "Ksetispy", when you find it note down where it's ended up (copy it to your desktop as a shortcut)

Take a step back and think about what your doing, clear your head. ;)
Originally posted by piccola
Open your home directory up and select "Find" from the toolbar, search or "Ksetispy", when you find it note down where it's ended up (copy it to your desktop as a shortcut)

Take a step back and think about what your doing, clear your head. ;)

Its not so much that m8 , I know where ksetispy is. Its just I have not got a clue what the rpm is.

Or even how it works come to that. Is it a konsole or somthing ..... ahhh would "sdb-ke-rpm" be the fellow ?

Dont seem to do anything except start ksetispy , options are still greyed out.
Originally posted by Shak
What I meant was what programs do you use via VNC.

Dezyboy, stop being rude.


Oh generally i suppose i just want to check out the seti Stats, maybe test out a few programs i've compiled and such (although i can compile via SSH)

So i suppose it's ok how it is.
Originally posted by Pho
Oh generally i suppose i just want to check out the seti Stats, maybe test out a few programs i've compiled and such (although i can compile via SSH)

So i suppose it's ok how it is.

Ah ok, I just wondered what you needed it for, Ill have a look for the kind of software that you're after :p

O.k I have found out what the problem is.

Basicaly configure is not putting the files where it should , I have been told 2 do this...

Configure --prefix=/usr
make install

Trouble is the files are still not going where they are suposed to and thats why it works, but i get no options.

Binary files should go in /usr/bin/ksetispy
Auxillary Files should go in /usr/share/apps/ksetispy (Pics and xml files)

I just cant get them there.
Download the RPM mate and then install that, the RPM can be gotten from the links above then use Konqueror to find it double click it and it will install ;) It will put the files in the rioght place!

Good luck

Humm, give us a progress report later Dezy. Im tracking your progress :p

Originally posted by Shak
Humm, give us a progress report later Dezy. Im tracking your progress :p


Fully up and running m8 , I am currently dumping my cache in my windows os , then it's over to linux 24/7
(it took me a while to figure out that i needed two profiles as I have a dual setup.

Thanks to yourself and Pho for all your help

Times are just short of the driver times when using wine , but I want 100% stable !
Originally posted by piccola
I'm really glad your up and running m8, how do you like the Suse?

She's nice eh!

(Early m8)

I like enough to give up xp, finding the terminology the hardest part, but i will learn.
Network next...... so of to linux newbie site for distructions !
Realy happy with all the help I got.

Here's my thoughts on SuSE;

Firstly, why make a distro commercial when everyone else gives almist the same product for free. One of the reasons that I will never use SuSE is that I refuse to buy it just to try it. Also stop trying to fob people off saying you can an FTP install when that is made as hard as hell! Overall thouhg, it looks a good newbie distro as it seems to be both GUI and terminal based! Roll on :)

One of the reasons that I will never use SuSE is that I refuse to buy it just to try it

You don't have to buy it to try it, the live eval cd can be downloaded and ran in windows.

Whatever happened to buying the distros to help the people that are developing them.!!!

You have to put your hand in you pocket some time shak!

BTW the ftp was very very easy when I tried it, the amount of machines I have meant it was easier to buy it, fifty odd quid is way cheap. ;)
£50 is more than I will ever pay for a version of Linux. I support the distros that allow me to choose what I like, I think in total I have had around $150 donated to the Gentoo distro.

This is because of people that read/use my HOWTOs and want to say thankyou, there are other ways of supporting REAL developers :)

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