Pigeon said:Sadly though my online account won't allow me to log back in so I can't play it. Time to try LFS???
agreed just finnished the lienz festival of speed was a blast and my team recorded no DNF'sDreXeL said:Agreed, I love the Lienz cars too
Cr4iG said:I only have a Radeon X600 at the moment, would that play it alright?
Ish said:i have the full version of LFS but really need to spend more time on it to get better.
I'm also considering buying a DFP wheel but don't know if i should...decisions decisions!
I use a gamepad at the moment
DreXeL said:You guys using pads are missing out on so much, honestly. These are driving simulators that have physics to make the Gran Turismo series feel like Outrun. Pads just don't do them justice.
saitrix said:Look into trying a rally game with a wheel. Makes them so good with a force feedback wheel.
merlin said:Wish I had the time spare too.
Zip said:Whats the best steering wheel on the market these days?
saitrix said:DFP in my opinion.