That would be great if the nut actually protruded from the wheel by a couple of inches but these days most are recessed.
Ahh its a nut, that technique I gave was for bolts, never tried it on nuts
That would be great if the nut actually protruded from the wheel by a couple of inches but these days most are recessed.
dont do what i did and waste two snap-on sockets though, dont think I realised they were made from platinum, I did when it came to re-ordering them though
Don't they carry a warranty of some sort?
Contact these guys they will tell you your nearest mechanic who has one. They got mine off in 10 mins after I exhausted all attempts with the various crap tools Halfords sell.
yeah against failure, not against sledge hammered pieces obviously wedged onto wheel nuts
hmm, how on earth does a socket fail LOL