Wow £180 for a keyboard... and it's not even mechanical! How come the prices have gone up so much? £50 for a revamped MX510/518 is a bit of a bitter pill to swallow.
+1 I used to have Logitech G15 for years and they are a good product. Yes it has an LCD screen and yes it has macro keys but you can get open source software these days to do the same thing.
But where Logitech really dropped the ball is charging £179.99 for a membrane keyboard, you can get a top quality mechanical keyboard for £50-£60 quid less. Logitech are really off with their price point, charging premium prices for an inferior product.
I can't blame OcUK for the pricing, but you would be better off with a Ducky or Gigabyte Osmium in my view.