Wow £180 for a keyboard... and it's not even mechanical! How come the prices have gone up so much? £50 for a revamped MX510/518 is a bit of a bitter pill to swallow.

+1 I used to have Logitech G15 for years and they are a good product. Yes it has an LCD screen and yes it has macro keys but you can get open source software these days to do the same thing.

But where Logitech really dropped the ball is charging £179.99 for a membrane keyboard, you can get a top quality mechanical keyboard for £50-£60 quid less. Logitech are really off with their price point, charging premium prices for an inferior product.

I can't blame OcUK for the pricing, but you would be better off with a Ducky or Gigabyte Osmium in my view.
May as well say it as well in the interest of feedback for logitech. Pricing gone mad. Most of us love Logitech products and I'm no exception but at these prices I'd look elsewhere if I needed to replace a peripheral product. That's not something I would have done til now.
Can't really happen, as you cant have octoshade backlit keys along with cherry switches. I remember a Ducky rep mentioning it a while ago, 'tis why you have to choose a backlight colour for their keyboards.

I suppose what you really want is a G710+ with a GamePanel display? :D

yes that is what I want.

I use the G19 for afterburner as I can monitor my cards all the time whilst in game and vent app.
yes that is what I want.

I use the G19 for afterburner as I can monitor my cards all the time whilst in game and vent app.

I love the GamePanel LCD on my keyboard too. But I have disabled it deliberately to see how well I cope without it because I want a mechanical... I miss it. :rolleyes:
I have for a long time, been considering a G19, but always held off in the hope that they'd make a mechanical version if it. my g15 is really showing its age now, but I do so love the gamepanel, if only to display teamspeak upon it.

At £180 quid though, for a non-mechanical keyboard, I don't care how good it is, it is beyond what I am willing to pay, so I guess my next keyboard, will not be a logitech.
I want to add that as the previous buyer at OcUK for keyboards and mice (did it for 5 years). I know that the pricing is nothing to do with OcUK. Logitech set the price points and OcUK are only given stock on the premise that they stick 100% to the RRP pricing.

Logitech have lost the plot with this one! Good work to OcUK (RJKONEILL) for securing the range though, of course there will always be customers who want these products regardless of the pricing. OcUK are the only etailer who are catering to their needs. :)
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Logitech stuff lasts so long, I have a 7 year old wireless mouse that I use for laptops, so it's not used much, but it still works. My G500 must be getting on now and that's only just started wearing (rubberised material wearing off) but it still works flawlessly and I am pretty harsh with it.

I think my stuff will always be Logitech.
It appears that Logitech are trying to push upmarket as a premium brand, similar to newcomers like Razer.

We tend to use the standard Logitech keyboards/mice at work. Prices from our suppliers have doubled in the last 6 months, now I know why...
We specify either Logitech or Microsoft. Logitech used to work out cheaper. We worked out that el-cheapo brands are a false economy due to increased support costs.

It's mainly for laptop users. PCs come with a keyboard/mouse. Docking stations do not.
Colour scheme change and a big price hike. Are these now being made by Nvidia ?

Not sure what Logitech are doing here tbh but hiking the prices is not going to go very well.
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