Logitech Z-5500 problem

Psypher5 said:
How close is the sub to anything electrical? Try moving it about :)

VERY close but I can't do anything about it :( It's below my desk and almost directly above it is my computer and the monitor right beside that which is beside a laptop... I can't really move it anywhere else. Is that what is causing the noise? Is there any term for this so I can search the web for suggestions :)
Its possible, when the box with the speaker system is first opened, you get a little message on some paper telling you that it should not be place less than 2FT (1M) near a computer or any other electrical equipment.
5tephen said:
VERY close but I can't do anything about it :( It's below my desk and almost directly above it is my computer and the monitor right beside that which is beside a laptop... I can't really move it anywhere else. Is that what is causing the noise? Is there any term for this so I can search the web for suggestions :)


Mine plays local radio stations if i stick it near my pc :)
It I understood you correctly earlier that you have the sub on your PC desk - you really should try it on the floor, preferably in a corner too, but if not then at least close to a wall. It should give you more bass.
i think i was the one that said about the desk, its now on the floot, the port is actually facing the wall, its 4" away from the wall, its in a good place really as the speakers reach all around the room so i have propor surround sound.

When you have it close ot a pc, how loud are the local radio stations? can you change the radio station by moving the sub? :p

I know the logitech z5500 are refered to as naff by a lot of people with High End Hi-Fi's, but maybe there should be a Logitech Z5500 club for everyone who has them, even tho some people with the z5500's dont really like them much.
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5tephen said:
No the sub is on the floor and the computer is on top of the desk. Nothing I can do then?

You need to find out what the problem is. Temporarily move the sub away from other electrical component (especially your PC) and see if it fixes the problem.
Also someone once said somewere that they put the sub right near there pc and both of there hard drives were destroyed.
I had enormous hassle setting the sub on top of the 4 isolation spikes yesterday and don't want to have to move it again just temporarily :( I am getting a desk custom-built for me soon which will allow me to move the sub a few more feet away from below the computer. It is currently sitting beside a computer with 7 hard drives, a 20" monitor, laptop and surge protectors with at least 15 active plugs so it's probably a contribution from each of these at least.
Thanks for your suggestions.

On a side note, I read quite a number of posts on this forum from people recommending isolation spikes so I went ahead and got some. They make a hell of a difference and I'm glad I went for them :) So little vibration of the floor beneath me now, compared to the much smaller sub of my Creative Inspire 5300's (which I had for over 4 years up until yesterday!) that never had isolation spikes fitted.
With isolation spike does it minimize vibration and increase bass? i as thinking about maybe getting some for the z5500 sub but instead i cut 4 2" 3x3 pieces of wood and places the in each corner of the front of the sub (not scresed them on) and had the sub downfacing, also under the 3x3 stand i put some wood so its how a lot of propor subs are.
not sure if this is the same but a lot of people have noticed a humming noise coming from the sub even when the system is in stanby, this is a common problem with earlier systems, due ot poor shileding, Logitech will replace the system if you give them a call....the system has a 2 Year Warranty, so if you have a problem that is clearly not down to miss-use they they are obliged to replace the system...
willhub said:
With isolation spike does it minimize vibration and increase bass? i as thinking about maybe getting some for the z5500 sub but instead i cut 4 2" 3x3 pieces of wood and places the in each corner of the front of the sub (not scresed them on) and had the sub downfacing, also under the 3x3 stand i put some wood so its how a lot of propor subs are.

I didn't listen to it for long enough without spikes to compare to how it is with them, but I can easily listen to the speakers at half volume and sub set to full without any discomfort and I don't think it interferes with the sound. I say 'half' volume because I can't put it above that or it causes the issue I already mentioned.
willhub said:
ah, for under £200 would i be able to like get an amp and speakers that could litrally blow the z-5500 away and work on a computer aswell?

would be nice to have a system more powerfull than the z-500 that uses less electric aswell, coz my mum is barmy and doesent like it when the electric meter is flying around :(

the sub on my z-5500 is more than enough for me, but i would like a sub that can shake the whole house :p, and some speakers than can go loud coz these sat speakers on the z-5500 aint loud enough, they are for most people, but they only just make my ears hurt :\

on some guides on the net it says, the more watts the better and louder it can go.

Watts don't tell you anything about performance or quality of the sound really. I first got my Z-5500's in january and was absolutely amazed by them, tried out a similar priced set up of seperates and it's better still, kinda depressing really. Feel pretty ripped off by my speakers actually and will probably sell them some time soon. Ripped off because I saw some photos of the sub inside and it was a pretty crappy job. Oh well.
The sub is pretty cool though, though the speakers aren't regarded as even average by audiophiles I think they're pretty cool for PC speakers though.
Quoting myself:
5tephen said:
I have just set up my new z-5500 system. When the speakers are on and regardless of whether they are playing or not, if I turn the volume up any more than half-way I get a huge 'WAAAAAAUM' noise (couldn't find a word to describe it :D ) from the subwoofer and it is just plays continuosly until I turn the volume down again. What is this and is it fixable?

This problem has completely gone now. The system's just over a week old now,I haven't changed the location of it or anything. What would've been causing that?
It's almost worrying that it's just gone like that :confused: Did it just need 'breaking in' as such?
Maybe a loose wire, make sure the Control Centers plug is screwed in to the sub properly, i remember not screwing it in properly, i moved the sub when it was on, the plug came out and i got a Huge blowing noise.
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