London Bridge Incident

I come from an EU country with tons of immigrants, a strong religion (Christianity) and without a single incident ever. There are lots of reasons of why this is happening to England and most of you folks are completely missing the point, don't want to face hard truths etc.

I just hope it stops but I don't see how for the foreseeable future. Mistakes spanning decades cannot be fixed overnight. The worst thing would be if it becomes something normal...

I know where you are from and agree with your post.
I believe one can legally commit an illegal act to stop another illegal act as along as it is proportionate. Arguably shooting armed terrorists is proportionate.

They will probably still be charged with possession of an illegal firearm. But not with murder. But I am guessing.

You can use reasonable force in protection of yourself, others, or to prevent crime. That includes lethal force if reasonable. Using a firearm illegally is an offence regardless of the circumstances.
Lefties got some blood on your hands now.
I don't know how you sleep at night.
To scared to be branded a racist or an Islamaphobe.
It's time we made a stand, whatever action is taken now, it's going to be messy.
Ban Islam in the UK.

That'll solve everything and not make things worse.

Do you understand how people are being radicalised?
Lefties got some blood on your hands now.
I don't know how you sleep at night.
To scared to be branded a racist or an Islamaphobe.
It's time we made a stand, whatever action is taken now, it's going to be messy.
Ban Islam in the UK.

Ban Islam? What about the millions of peacefully practicing people in this country? Will they just happily convert to Christianity?
I'm guessing it was Barrowboy and Banker pub they went into. That is a big pub. Reports from a security guard that one of them had "canisters" around them. Possible failed suicide device?
He wants to let millions more of them in too, so he can hug them all himself presumably.

Thank you Blair and Labour who allowed mass uncontrolled immigration into country without a thought for the consequences. I guess we'll all hold vigils, light candles and sing kumbaya now, until the next one comes along and that'll probably be soon enough.

Really these are the sons of the immigrants the Tories let in before labour came to power. Stop trying to make a political point when people have died.
Time for boots on the ground against ISIS? Wipe this disgusting ideology out once and for all. Ban people from telling us we're at fault for all this..
This is basically gorilla warfare, cowards that carry out their deeds in civilian clothing rather than as a recognised army.
Clearly not. His ideology still persists. And he had the opposition I mentioned. Don't know if youve noticed but even this thread has people defending Islam. People are too ignorant, scared or complicit to admit there's a problem.

Whats your point? I have made friends with Muslims during my life. One guy particularly when working as an IT techy I would go and talk to onsite when I should have been working but instead had the most interesting conversations about Islam and I would listen to him for hours about his religion and beliefs. Not for one nano second would he or any proper Muslim contemplate the actions of these truly reprehensible and deplorable acts of terrorism ongoing tonight. We are talking about eradicating evil, not the ideologies or teachings of a sane religion. Adolf Hitler was evil and sickeningly evil at that, these scum are no different.
Islam is not compatible with our society full stop.
There are a good few Muslims in the UK so we do indeed have a bit of a problem.

How do you suggest we work out whether people practice Islam or not? If somebody (eg a terrorist) doesn't want to be found out, they are quite capable of lying...

EDIT: obviously not advocating this "plan" to ban Islam from the UK, I'm merely pointing out that moral qualms aside (and it's abhorrent from a moral perspective), it also wouldn't work
Ok, moderation warning time.

Anyone who goes on about "lefties" being to blame or all muslims being the same in this thread from this moment on gets 24 hours suspension.

This is a tragic criminal act but it's not something that is representative of all Muslims any more than Brevic, McVay, the IRA or the Protestant terrorists represent all Christians.

My thoughts are with the victims and their families, and I hope the police catch the scum who did this alive, so they can (whoever they are) spend the rest of their lives in a small prison cell (preferably a long life so if they think they're going to be rewarded in heaven or paradise for this act, they have a very long wait).
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