London Bridge Incident

Please try to refrain from personal digs at one another. Division is exactly what these evil scumbags are trying to achieve so do not give them that. Stay safe to all on the affected areas.
LOL, this country is divided and has been for years.

I don't even have to single out muslims. There are many cities with areas dominated by one group or other. There is a natural tendency to congregate with people of your "own kind", whatever group you most closely associate with. Whether that's being asian, or muslim, or catholic, whatever.

Division and lack of integration are exactly what this country has in spades right now. We've been packing em all in for decades and just assuming everybody would integrate and get on.
Roll your eyes all you want, it's absolutely foolish to think this is anything but an attack by Islamic terrorists, you actually look silly making comments suggesting otherwise at this point.
I'm saying you're doing nothing but speculating at this point. And you just keep on going.
Someone mentioned firearms earlier, it does make me wonder what would happen to someone if they just happened to have a gun illiegallly in their possession and used it to gun down a few terrorists as the terrorism is happening.....would they be a hero or a criminal? We know the answer from the publics point of view but what would the law say?

I believe one can legally commit an illegal act to stop another illegal act as along as it is proportionate. Arguably shooting armed terrorists is proportionate.

They will probably still be charged with possession of an illegal firearm. But not with murder. But I am guessing.
Ah ffs, I switched over to BBC 1 to watch a light hearted film and greeted by the actions of absolute sub human scum.

It's so tiring hearing of more attacks and all we can do is offer condolences to those who've lost their lives :(
I know this area intimately. I worked right in the heart of London Bridge for 20 years and still often meet friends and drink around there.

The OcUK London meet about two years ago was here too.
Ploughing automobiles into crowds of people seems to be the MO of Islamic terrorism at the moment.

It's not been confirmed but only the truly naive would consider it to be anything but.
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