London Guitar Show 2007 - Steve Vai

Have a spare Vai ticket going that I'll have with me and would happily sell for a tenner on the door, so say if one of you want it :)
Well, we got there and missed the house band (Nicko McBrain and Phil Hilborne plus guests) but we had a damn good wander around and took loads of photos.. the Vai masterclass was, well, just him sat on stage answering a few random questions and playing some random legato licks.. overall was a wicked day, time well spent and the Marshall demo band was pretty good (the guy's name is Chris George and I got a photo with him):



.. and there were countless custom guitar stands, this one was pretty cool (some sort of fretless metal fingerboard maybe?):


This was as close as we were to the stage for the Vai masterclass:

I have a HUGE stack of brochures, leaflets, a Marshall t-shirt and some random freebies in a Marshall bag that I am too tired to look through.. more pr0n for tomorrow :)
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Well I had fun today. I did the guitar duel thing with the guy on the Elixir stand - was it me or did my audio keep cutting out :confused: :p

Good fun though, even though I didn't buy a dickybird!
riddlermarc said:
the Vai masterclass was, well, just him sat on stage answering a few random questions and playing some random legato licks..
Yep, I was pretty dissapointed. I'm not sure if it was Vai's fault but the whole question thing was dire. I was in the first session thing and had to go after an hour so left early. I really hope it improved for everyone else. Saying that, the rhythm demonstration and that whammy bar solo thing he did were pretty entertaining!
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