London violence reaching epidemic proportions

18 Oct 2002
block 16, cell 12
What can we do to tackle this issue, it seems that certain areas and certain groups are spilling over pr boiling over and causing levels of violence and lawlessness that we do not want to see on the streets.

While we all lambast the Americans for lack of gun control in one thread, we barely have control of our capital...

I for one am glad I dont live in London.

Oh, it is the Daily Mail. You can tell from:

a] the caps
b] the serif font in the pictures
c] the sensationalist tone and language
d] the fact that it's hard to verify the information anywhere else

Note: d] does not mean that the information isn't true, purely that the DM has hard-dredged the fact-swamp to pull out the most obscure truths currently available so that they can mash them all into one gaudy headline.


Nearly 1,000 people have been arrested and more than 400 knives seized in an effort to reduce violent crime in London, police have said.

Between 26 April and 2 May, as part of Operation Sceptre, Metropolitan Police officers working across the country recovered 411 knives and 166 other weapons using weapons sweeps and targeted patrols - and made 994 arrests.

London recorded the highest rate of knife crime in the country in 2019-20, with 179 offences involving a knife per 100,000 people, according to a House of Commons briefing paper published in October.

I feel safer now
This isn't specifically about race, its about a situation being in the capital where gangs feel comfortable to bring out long knifes and machetes in broad daylight, in Hyde Park in front if families, children etc.

It has gone on for long enough and we need to reflect on how we can end this mindless violence now.
disgusting - i dont know what goes through people's mind.

and almost always its black people with knives/machette and then they get triggered when there r more searches on them.. or am i missing something? if this sounds like racist then thats not my intention as I know not all black peoples are like this - but why dont the elders in the family, churches/pastors teach them its wrong and to solve things amicably?

Because its easier to protest BLM and how much the police are discriminating against them rather than admit there are huge societal issues that need tackling?
The legal system in this country is a joke


Judge Cole told him there was a "realistic prospect of rehabilitation" and that jailing him would have "a significant, harmful effect on others".

Yeah good point judge, except

Barratt has 43 previous convictions, including 12 for violent assaults, as well as another attack outside the same McDonald's in Hereford in 2012.
He also has convictions for assault and battery in 2003, a further battery in 2006, and four racially aggravated section 47 assaults in 2008.

I mean this judge is about as backwards as it gets, how can he have a realistic chance of rehabilitation when he has 43 previous convictions?

Couldn't NOT jailing him have a harmful effect on others?
Or, and this may be completely out of this world, he's heard the evidence, read the reports he's legally obliged to read, and followed the laws and guidance that he legally has to and worked from that?
As opposed to some headline from a paper where they've rarely if ever actually sent anyone to watch the trial and want headlines and outrage.

Judges work to the wording of the law, past precedent, and the sentencing guidelines as laid down by the government, they basically cannot go against them, they also take into account things like the government telling them "we've only got a couple of dozen spare prison cells in the country, please only send the absolute worst to prison" (IIRC our current government has been reducing the number of prison places and they've mucked up a few times resulting in very low hundreds of spare places in jails at times).

Anyone can appeal a sentence that they feel is too lenient via a relatively simple process, at which point IIRC if the appeal is felt to have any merit another judge looks at the case including the judges reasoning, which is often a fairly lengthy report showing their workings in the same way you had to show your workings for maths homework with the things they've considered in their sentencing and how they feel they should be applied and the legal reasoning behind those consideration.
Judges, despite the way some idiots think, don't just pull a sentence length out of their backside*, they have to work within some quite limited constraints so that if there is any appeal or anything other judges can see exactly why they did what they did.

*Unlike in the US where a lot of the lower end judges are less qualified and less supervised than our magistrates (who are actually trained to some extent and have to listen to a highly qualified lawyer who advises them on the law).

Not true he deserved a custodial thats why he got a suspended sentence but the judge used his lack of common sense to decide that he could be rehabilitated and that it might harm others if he was sent to prison.

The guy has 43 prior convictions, if he could be rehabilitated, surely he would have already been so?

Its a soft judge and you know it.
London has about 15% of the UK's population - 20% of England's, of course there's going to be 'loads' of stabbings but is it really a disproportionate amount compared to other urban areas?

It's always London this London that as if you'll get stabbed the second you get beyond the M25.

If you grouped together Liverpool, Manchester, Leeds, Bradford, Sheffield etc together in the same area you'd probably have a 'blood soaked' evening in whatever fictional city this would make that would probably still be smaller than London.

So you are saying its fine, or its not fine?
Yeah, a white dude, which means forum regulars have no reason to froth about it and the mods don’t want people to talk about anything other than the London BLOOD SHED EPIDEMIC.

Shrug shoulders and carry on... until the next non-white stabbing.

If you go back two pages I posted in outrage at the lax sentencing of a white man for attacking another person.

So you can go bsck into your shell now.

Londoner Barnes would later say he had been transported to Swansea with drugs hidden up his bum after running up a debt to a gang

They don't like it up em
If severe punishment was a solution then America would be a paradise.

In the US you have a large group of people who commit violent crimes at a rate 2-3 times other groups.


According to the FBI 2019 Uniform Crime Report, African-Americans accounted for 55.9% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 41.1%, and "Other" 3% in cases where the race was known. Including homicide offenders where the race was unknown, African-Americans accounted for 39.6% of all homicide offenders in 2019, with whites 29.1%, "Other" 2.1%, and "Unknown" 29.3%[49]

12% of the population committing over 50% of the homicides. So it could be that some groups don't care about the punishment more than others.
I think poor standards are a big problem here in the UK. I work for a rail company and their standards for delay, cleaning and maintenance is lowering every few years. Also the police too. We have to deal with the British transport police and a lot of the time they don't even collect the cctv on time? They are just seen as the joke police. PCSO's in the area would waste time in station office with their feet up (literally).

I also see poor standards far to often in the building trade ect. Crazy quotes, delays, poor workmanship. It's like poor effort is the norm, no wonder teenagers want the gear for f all. They think working is for mugs.

This has nothing to do with the number if stabbings, phone thefts, violent attacks etc

We do need better enforcement of the laws. I hear about people not being sentenced to prison because the prisons are full.

Well build more. Our population is growing and the criminal element is also growing.

"A government source told the newspaper the trigger for a custodial sentence for repeat shoplifting would likely be between 10 and 20"

We are letting people make a career out of theft before considering locking them up. How does this make sense?

It's about time to start making minimum sentances, applying them and making space to put them away.
The authoritarian route is very expensive. How much extra would you like to be taxed, an extra 10% of income and assets owned or currently paying for?

There are less than 90,000 in prison in the UK

Conversely there are more than 100,000 asylum seekers unprocessed being housed and on benefits in the UK.

Doesn't take much to work out that if we fix 1 problem we can use the funds to fix another without too much of an increase in tax.
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