Long post, about a few so called "friends"

29 May 2006
tell you what you sound like youve been taken for a right mug.. forking up for these dossers and listening to their sob stories *plays tiny violin* ... jeeez

you know what your problem is? you cant say no... ;)
31 Oct 2005
Mekrel said:
I think one of the reasons is I know what it is like to get hurt badly, and for the other person to not care as they think they are in the right and they have someone else to go onto. Being thrown away like a rag doll when you have been sucked dry.

What you've got to realise is that by you trying to help her through all of this you're hurting yourself because she's saying stuff behind your back which is annoying you and you don't have to put up with that. You've tried to help her and that's the thanks you're getting, she's not appreciative and to be honest, she doesn't sound like she wants to get over him so you'd be as well leaving her alone to get on with it and saving yourself a whole lot of grief because I don't see things changing any time soon.

You're not the one who caused the situation so you don't owe her anything.
1 May 2006
champ....down the pub---->get a 2double down ya-----> let it all the *&*& out!!! but let me stress...dont shout about the cheating jus tell her in her ear then mince out victorious! ;)
Woman of Honour
Man of Honour
2 Aug 2004
Next time it comes to a head.. have it out with them both - sounds like you have been putting up with **** from both of them.

I would move on, leave them to it, you've been there for them both and now they are treating you like ****. Either, put up with them and then all this will just repeat again.. or listen to them but don't get involved.

If it were me I would have it out with them and probably won't talk to them for a while... I won't be taken a mug for.

BB x
18 May 2006
...as above, dump the leeches

Mekrel said:
Not long back I got hurt badly by a girl myself - basically used me and lied to me for 5 months........... It was the first and only time I will be in love, im not going to risk feeling that way about someone again
umm, I'd guess there's not a person on these forums who hasn't felt something like that. :(
don't let one nasty person stop you feeling all that for someone else.

you'll probably regret all the time it takes you to realise that.
27 Jul 2004
They, and you, have some growing up to do. As soon as you got to the 'she's underage' with regards to drinking it was painfully obvious how much of an attention seeker someone is.

Either live with the crap for another year or 2 or move on a bit.
9 Jan 2003
meh, kick the kids, sounds like your a bit attached to sally (not nessicerly going out feelings but shes' had you to depend on and that creates a bond whatever happens) that makes you feel bad about being used.
shes probably putting you down because she wants to try and get back with that guy. She may not even realise shes doing it.
2 Aug 2004
VeNT said:
meh, kick the kids, sounds like your a bit attached to sally (not nessicerly going out feelings but shes' had you to depend on and that creates a bond whatever happens) that makes you feel bad about being used.
shes probably putting you down because she wants to try and get back with that guy. She may not even realise shes doing it.

I don't feel down about her, just angry.

She does realise she is trying, some comments have slipped out which makes it obvious to me, and I keep telling her she is only going to get her own hopes up because I know they won't.

When Simon told me about this new partner cheating on him, I was the first one telling him that Sally was still there and would have him back at the click of the finger and that if he really did get hurt by this new girl, that it wouldnt happen with Sally as she has apparently realised how much he means to her. If anything, shes really dependant on Simon.

I would put it on the same kind of level as Stockholme Syndrom, only he hasn't kidnaped her. Simon likes to sweet talk a lot of girls, and its quite sick to see. He likes to boast about how girls like him and how they always make moves for him.

The girl he cheated on Sally for we met in a pub and they were talking, he went on later to tell me that she confessed to liking him and him saying that he wouldn't touch her with two bardgepoles, but ends up doing things with her. I really don't trust him anymore. I knew him from years ago and then we grew apart when the place we worked at closed down, I've been hanging around with him since December, but hes changed a lot. Somtimes there are glimpses of the old simon, but these glimpses become less frequent. He will say one thing about someone to their face as above, and then to me say aload of crap about them and I know for a fact he probably does it about me too.

He had a job at a library before Uni and there was a girl there he worked with, and I was at his ready to go out and he was talking on MSN being the sweet talker. He was saying stuff like:

"There is something about you, I just want to know and get close to sweetie :) "

Then a few weeks later hes telling me how she made a move at him, and he turned her down due to being in a relationship with a girl down in reading. I'm stood there thinking ..... right ... and you wonder why she did that when you sweet talk her?
31 Oct 2005
You seem to be the complete opposite of Sally with regards to Simon, you don't seem to be able to say anything good about him. I'm guessing he's about 18/19 so there are plenty of other guys that age acting in exactly the same way as he is, it might not be right but it happens. If you disagree with the way he acts so much why are you friends with him?

Encouraging him to get back with Sally just because he's single is a really bad idea, it's not going to help either of them.

I think you're getting too caught up in the problem. The problems you have in all of this are Sally saying things behind your back which are derogatory and you thinking your friends use you for your car and because you have a job. Simon cheating on Sally, sleeping around or flirting and Sally not getting over Simon is nothing to do with you. You need to step back and concentrate on yourself.
9 Jun 2006
Have a serious go at both of them.

Tell Simon he was wrong for cheating on her and disregarding her feelings. Tell him that he was wrong not to support her when they broke up and it was harsh of him to leave that burden on you.

Tell Sally that she’s been taking the ****, she was cheated on; she needs to move on and that she has to stop taking you for granted. No ones perfect and she should get over Simon.

Tell them both that you were the one looking out for them yet you seem to have got the bad end of the stick. Essentially, tell them they are both making you very miserable.

If they're good friends (they don’t sound like it to be honest) they will apologise and make it up to you. You know what will happen if they're not.

If they do apologise – make sure you clear everything up and don’t let anything lie. You don’t want to have to go through it all again in a few weeks.

Remember, real friends stick around.
9 Jan 2003
Mekrel said:
its all about the thrill of the chase for some people, not that you are going to have these women but that you COULD.
the reason he doesn't want sally now is BECAUSE he could have her at the drop of a hat! I think that realy, if she wanted him back she should just avoid him for a while, let him think shes not interested then see how he acts.
27 Mar 2005
Kent, England
toosepin said:
Have a serious go at both of them.

Tell Simon he was wrong for cheating on her and disregarding her feelings. Tell him that he was wrong not to support her when they broke up and it was harsh of him to leave that burden on you.

Tell Sally that she’s been taking the ****, she was cheated on; she needs to move on and that she has to stop taking you for granted. No ones perfect and she should get over Simon.

Tell them both that you were the one looking out for them yet you seem to have got the bad end of the stick. Essentially, tell them they are both making you very miserable.

If they're good friends (they don’t sound like it to be honest) they will apologise and make it up to you. You know what will happen if they're not.

If they do apologise – make sure you clear everything up and don’t let anything lie. You don’t want to have to go through it all again in a few weeks.

Remember, real friends stick around.

Exactly what he said ^^^^^^^^^^^
13 Jan 2004
toosepin said:
Have a serious go at both of them.

Tell Simon he was wrong for cheating on her and disregarding her feelings. Tell him that he was wrong not to support her when they broke up and it was harsh of him to leave that burden on you.

Tell Sally that she’s been taking the ****, she was cheated on; she needs to move on and that she has to stop taking you for granted. No ones perfect and she should get over Simon.

Tell them both that you were the one looking out for them yet you seem to have got the bad end of the stick. Essentially, tell them they are both making you very miserable.

If they're good friends (they don’t sound like it to be honest) they will apologise and make it up to you. You know what will happen if they're not.

If they do apologise – make sure you clear everything up and don’t let anything lie. You don’t want to have to go through it all again in a few weeks.

Remember, real friends stick around.

what i was gonna say. wise words. :)
2 Aug 2004
electric ant said:
Just had to ask, how does the missing razor fit into all of this.

She was going to use it on herself, she became manic depressive.

Can we drop the "I want to bone Sally" comments, they don't really help as they are not true.

I think the general idea is to stay clear, which I have been doing since Saturday night.
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