OK so here goes around 12 hours in work. Firstly I had no option as I mentioned to get back into the PSU. It was horrible, and I cut my right hand to ribbons. Any way, I salvaged some molex pins (male) and soldered them on like so. Not my proudest fap, but it will work.
I then did all I could to hide it. All I had at my disposal was heat shrink. I left a bit poking out on the yellow, because I need to know where they are. Eventually I put electrical tape over the pins on the positive, and heat shrunk the negs.
It was then over to the three molex connectors. These were VHB together, then wrapped in tape.
And pinned.
Noting how my right hand looks like it has been through the cheese grater. It feels like it too ffs.
It was then all wrapped and bound in tape. To the point where it becomes almost invisible. BTW, check out the sheer hell load of RGB connectors.
So now with some power shoved up its bum.....
It works. No RGB yet, as I need to get to the USB connector to activate it. Waiting on that to be delivered.
So you will note in this pic the fan is now level and at the correct height front and rear.
Now it won't just sit there on its own. This is why I never got the rig "finished" the first time around. I was due to put a 120mm fan there, but it needed something to keep it level. Turns out I am amazing at thinking on my feet, and came up with this solution.
Block nuts. And springs. This means I could adjust it to the perfect height to hold the back up. Front sits on a rail.
So, with all that done..... I decided to do something else. Did you spot those two Corsair shrouds in the early pics? these?
Those live there now.
It needed some silver up there. It was all lob sided. So with that done....
We are actually caught up.