Loot boxes are not bad game design, say devs

yeah it needs to be banned outright for gameplay enhancing drops. The overwatch system seems to be agreeable with everyone

oh, and we need to keep the pressure on. Boycott the games & make noise about it

But it shouldn't exist in games like Overwatch. They should be offering dedicated servers and mod support, like FPSs did 10+ years ago. But they won't because they want people to keep gambling instead of making their own content.
I didnt think of the lack of mod support, that sucks.. (i dont play online competitive anymore, or the worst offenders so im missing lots of context)

Really we should ban the suits & greedy ***ks from predatory gaming totally, but how?
loot boxes , micro transactions should be banned outright, its not what gaming is all about.
I'm not buying anymore games that have the faintest whiff of this practise about them, and if everyone did the same, the industry would be in a better place.

only good loot boxes are the ones you get from playing as part of the games designed.
based on hours played, experience earned, level up rewards or whatever

progression via payments is a cancer
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