Lord British Presents

All he need do is make sure it sticks to the old Ultima way of doing things - skill based and not levels.
That alone sets it apart from the "middle of the road" level based games and in a good way.
Could be interesting if its as detailed and interactive as Ultimas... crafting, player housing and pvp to be added. Graphics and art style dont look great but i welcome this over yet another first person rpg. If it manages to create an atmospheric liveable world you travel around in - then im on board.
Medallion! Giant rat tail! Loving the ageing porn star look :D

I'm not blown away by the pitch but I think it's worth a $25 first responder pledge.
It sounds nice and all, but the ingame footage was very definition of "meh"

However I am going to watch it closely, who knows, maybe it will be good.
This is the first time i've backed a Kickstarter project. I think I had already made my mind up before reading the article/watching the video.
What the heck is "repentance" (cost: $10)? Seems like $25 is the minimum pledge if you want to get the game at the end of it?
That started me rummaging around on youtube, I'd never realised how many remakes of Ultima music people have done. Check out Stones:

I spent a great deal of my "last days of UO" doing nothing but crafting. My Blacksmith owned shops around Vesper and Moonglow and I could honestly spend my days just filling them up with stock.
I used to mine all my own ingots so I could offer competitive pricing.
Imagine - an MMORPG now where a resource actually changes each time it respawned (like the mines in UO where just because you had mined Shadow Ore a moment ago the respawn could be something totally different)

I spent so much time at the public forges doing repairs and making stuff for people. I built up my name so people trusted me with their Vanquishing weapons for repair.

....and all this on a 56k modem actually connecting at around 36k :)

really? i had a rune book filled with locations of valorite ore, i would do a few runs a day to get valorite ingots for valorite armour. Unless they changed it later im pretty sure it spawned in the same place, there just wasnt very much of it!

I used to hide in the bank in britain wearing an invisibility hat, when people traded resources they had to drop them on the floor as they were too heavy to carry, i used to have my bank box open and swipe them as soon as they dropped them! Happy days... :) watching the 2 traders arguing about the other one being a scammer was hilarious
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