Lords of the Fallen

20 Aug 2009
I couldn't find a thread for this game so thought I would make one since they have just released the first ever gameplay demo for it...
its only on PC/PS4/Xbone so a purely next gen only game.


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Yeah im loving the look of it. It reminds me of a more arcade like dark souls and considering its from an ex Witcher Dev it gives me hope it will be really good.
Looks interesting. I was a fan of the witcher games and very much look forward to the third one. Also got dark souls 2 on order for next month which should satisfy my blood lust :p
Quote from website:

"A challenge in games can be measured with the distance between randomness
and skill. Our goal is to make a game that rewards players for doing what it
takes to cross that gap. A game where learning skills and ultimately mastering
them is the basis of fun and entertainment."

Sounds very much like the ethos behind Dark Souls.
The devs have had quite a clear and open policy on letting people test it for them in its various development stages and posted the videos on youtube. It actually looks pretty good and its definitely similar to dark souls.
I was going to get it for PS4 to give my PS4 a reason for existing other than to play FIFA on. However at under £20 I really can't justify not getting it on PC :p.
First review from some Polish magazine has come in, giving it 9/10

This is an article about the review, not the actual review itself(don't want to mess about with translate tbh)- http://www.gamepur.com/news/16716-w...w-out-polish-magazine-awards-910-similar.html

There are few details about the game, but some interesting comments in the article and comments, if you have been following the ongoing debate about ethics in game journalism;)

I can't wait to get started. It looks great...unfortunately though, it looks like it will release at 6pm tomorrow, and I am at work at 7!
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I can't wait to get started. It looks great...unfortunately though, it looks like it will release at 6pm tomorrow, and I am at work at 7!

Don't understand that. Either unlock it at midnight or unlock it at 9am when most of the stores that will stock the game will open. Granted it's a lot better than getting it on friday but it's still an annoyance.
It says 'This game will unlock in 22 hours', but there is a lot of speculation on Steam that it may well unlock at midnight...apparently it has happened a few times with recent games.
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