Lords of the Fallen

Well, I have to go to work now, so will continue tomorrow. My first impressions are that it is exactly what I imagined it to be. Dark Souls-lite really is the best way to describe it, and it is very good.

A few of the things that makes the DS games a bit harder are gone. For example, enemies do not reset at checkpoints, though potions are. There seems to be no weapon degradation. Stats-wise, everything is very similar to DS, with burden and poise playing key roles. Movesets seem pretty cool, and I already have a favourite weapon(monk staff). Backstabs and parrys are the same and are pretty cool. The armour also looks really cool and I have already picked up some decent stuff.

The game has been fairly easy so far, with me not dying yet. I did the second boss, and it was pretty good, though still not much of a challenge. I must say though, I think if you have played the DS games before, any kind of game like this is going to seem easy, so it isn't necessarily a bad things tbh. A few times I imagine, some people would have had trouble whereas as I am used to these types of games, I was ready for it. The game also feels a lot heavier than Dark Souls as well. Combat kind of packs more of a punch if you know what I mean. Weapons feel heavy to lift and everything seems to have more weight to it.(side point though, weapons do not hit walls)

Speaking of the second boss-

Bit disappointed that he didn't vary his moves much tbh. Plus, he does a shield bash that staggers you, then doesn't follow it up, which he really should.

In terms of performance, I have everything maxed with a 7950 at 1920x1080 and it runs very smoothly though I haven't looked at numbers. There is no way it goes anywhere near 30fps though. It looks ok, nothing special with some pretty poor textures in places, but the lighting is good, and the textures on most things, like armours are fine.

Overall, I think it is really good so far. Looking forward to getting stuck in to this on Thursday night!
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A tip for those who get it and get a black screen launching from the Steam Library, launch the game from: steamapps/common/lords of the fallen/bin

And make PhysX the GPU option in Nvidia Control Panel, if you have Nvidia, this should help with the frames.
I seem to have hit a massive difficulty spike after the 2nd boss!.. Can't move 10 metres without dying. The enemies with big Shields are way OP. they don't give you a chance!
Finally got past those shield guys,After dying about 10 times!.. Only to find that the path they were on was a dead end so it was mostly pointless!

The trick to beating them is a bit awkward tbh.
Really is a good game. Just done the third boss and it was pretty good. Really felt like a DS boss tbh. Now I have a handle on the magic as well, which is a nice touch. Just a few basic spells, but they vary things quite nicely.

Edit- wow. The game looks a hundred times better with post-processing turned off, and the framerate skyrockets!
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How's the difficulty? I love me some dark souls but this games been getting mixed reviews.

I was watching some twitch streaming last night and the guy was getting smashed by a boss over and over.
How's the difficulty? I love me some dark souls but this games been getting mixed reviews.

I was watching some twitch streaming last night and the guy was getting smashed by a boss over and over.

I really do think it is hard to say with these types of games tbh. As I said earlier, I have played hundreds of hours in the Souls games, so I am ready and prepared for a lot of the stuff in the game, and I found the first 3 hours or so really quite easy, including the 2 boss fights...but then the enemies stepped up a notch and the next area up until boss 3 was quite challenging, though once I found the best strategy it wasn't too bad. The third boss was great, and I died a few times before I got the hang of it.

One thing-

4 hours in, and a Steam achievement message has just popped up called 'The Real Lords Starts here'...which is a bit cheeky tbh, but made me smile and makes me think it might get a bit more challenging now too.

PS. I think someone is going to have to look in to some ini edits for this. Turning off post-processing makes the game a lot sharper and better looking, but you do lose some nice effects with it, so individual options are needed really.
sprint at them and then use your left light attack whilst sprinting. It does a shield break. It can be tricky to get right. On a controller it would be sprint and left bumper. Magic is also effective. If you put a decoy down, it is a bit easier to get behind them as well
So, what's this like? I imagine there are classes, mage rogue warrior etc, but a burning question (or two) for me is, is it open world at all? Even pseudo open world like Dark Souls would be winner, and also, how do you start? I quite like RPGs where you start off as a peasant wearing a spud sack using a wooden sword, not sure how I'd feel being thrown straight into a WoW-esque battle suit right off the bat.
Open World- Not really, though it is similar to DS. The first area is very much like Boletaria Palace. There are lost of different paths and hidden areas etc. The second area is apparently a lot more open, and I have seen the level design praised as being much like DS, with areas linking up well and doubling back etc.

There are 3 main classes- Warrior, Rogue and Cleric, but lots of variations on that depending on what magic you choose.

Starting gear- You start with good gear. As a warrioir, I would say it is akin to the Knights starting gear from DS.

Worth mentioning that the Pre-order gear isn't that powerful, and is about the same as stuff you pick up quite early.

Good review from Forbes. They really know and love the Souls games!
@Pighardia cheers for that - I've been playing mainly 2-handed with a sword and no shield and pretty much ignored magic so I would have been stuck here for a while thanks :)
Hi Pighardia, thanks for you input so far.

I'm still on the fence on this game. Do the same tactics as DS work here? For example is blocking with a shield viable, or is dodge-rolling superior? I've heard the I-Fs are more generous in LotF. Also I can't stand huge weapons, and prefer slimmer looking armour - in some of the playthroughs I've seen there don't appear to be that many swords compared to the larger weapons. and all the armours look really chunky with massive shoulder pads. Is there more variety than i've seen?
Hi Pighardia, thanks for you input so far.

I'm still on the fence on this game. Do the same tactics as DS work here? For example is blocking with a shield viable, or is dodge-rolling superior? I've heard the I-Fs are more generous in LotF.

It is pretty much exactly the same as DS in those regards. I haven't noticed much difference in I-Fs tbh. Equipment burden and rolling is almost exactly the same too, so you have light, heavy and medium rolls. Playing as a fast-rolling rogue is certainly viable, and sword/shield is basically the default playing-style.

I have played bits with sword/shield, and a bit dual-wielding too. Both are fine.

Also I can't stand huge weapons, and prefer slimmer looking armour - in some of the playthroughs I've seen there don't appear to be that many swords compared to the larger weapons. and all the armours look really chunky with massive shoulder pads. Is there more variety than i've seen?
There is variety, but tbh, even the light armour is still quite big. I have come across a lot of short swords and daggers too.

One thing I would criticize the game for so far, is that whilst the armour looks great, there doesn't seem to be enough difference in stats imo. I have heavy armour, which would make me fat-roll, but tbh I am sticking with light/medium as there isn't enough benefit imo.
This might give you an idea- All shots have no AA, as I am still working out the best method, and I have post-processing turned off so there are a lot of effects not present, as I hate Chromatic Aberration!

Light armour dual-wielding daggers-


Medium(cleric) armour with sword/shield-


Heavy armour with Greatsword-


Another for good measure-
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