I can live with all of that, its the target locking on which is the thing that might ultimately stop me playing. Its like constantly having to fight with the game to make it simply target the thing I want to target. I know that "locking on" is a staple of the genre but its got to be done right and the locking on in this is seemingly completely random at times. Dont know if thats something which can be patched but when there is a stationery object right in front of you that you need to lock on to use and instead of locking on to it , it just locks on to every mob within 40m instead of the thing thats 1m in front of your face, then theres something knackered about itIve played a few hours and while this games visual design is great i am not enjoying it. Take the first boss pieta as an example, she has a very limited moveset thats easy to read however her animations feel very rigid and awkward. The attacks feel like they have no weight to them, the lack of impact with weak visual feedback and lacklustre audio queues doesnt help, I also feel locked into the attack animations a lot and the time which i dont in other souls games. The launching 4 metres forward on a light attack is definately an annoyance especially near ledges and the dark sousl 1 jump mechanic is infuriating when theres platforming sections.
Ive played a lot of all of the souls games/sekiro and something about this game just feels off.
(And dont even get me started on being stood right in front of a boss or elite mob and having it lock on to random mobs in the background instead - the cause of so many deaths)