Lost my 14 1/2 year old Setter, Poppy

25 Jun 2011
Yorkshire and proud of it!
On Monday, my very best mate for the last 14 1/2 years collapsed on a walk with the Mrs and when we took her to the vet (I was at work and had to rush to meet her there), the next thing I knew was she was put to sleep as the vet said she had heart failure and it was not about prolonging her life but managing her death - all a blur and I am gutted.

Poppy was a beautiful Red Setter who I had since she was 10 weeks old, before I met the wife and had kids, she put up with me going away for months at a time, was a great friend to my 2 kids (4 and 2 so quite a challenge) and the Mrs and the rock in my life for such a long time, seen me through good and hard times, was always there for me, she was part of me, of who I am.

Although she had been unwell for the last few months, she seemed to be getting better and I know what happened was better than how it could have been but it seemed to be come so quickly and has hit me hard, I was there to say bye, but it was so quick and feel like I let her down, and miss her and feel empty.

She had a good life and I am thankful, and feel a little better for writing it down.

RIP my friend

I'm sorry for your loss. If it helps in some small way, it sounds like you gave her a wonderful life and 14½ years of it, too. I think a quick and peaceful end is a kinder fate than some, so don't feel bad for it being quick - you didn't let her down and she wasn't alone when she died.
9 Jul 2005
High Wycombe
Thank you all for your posts, they do help in these hard times and I am very grateful.

The whole family, and although she has moved on, she is still part of the family
15 May 2007
Ipswich / Bodham
Very sorry for your loss, but somewhat heartened by how much she meant to you - left a real positive memory.

You're an adult, the kids are young, although it may feel too early to think about it properly, a new dog will help them grow up and mature.
6 Feb 2009
Sad news. :( sending you a man hug.

You gave her a wonderful life by the sounds of it... full of love and care. I don't think Poppy could have wanted for more. You didn't let her down mate, you were with her at the end.

You will be with her again one day.
1 Dec 2017
So cheesy it might as well be on the wall of a chav's living room but I've always liked the saying "dogs give you the best days of your life and one of the worst". It's definitely important to remember the amazing life you managed to give her.

My lab is coming up to 9 years old now and it will kill me when he goes. I think the only comfort is knowing that dogs have no future plans, so long as they are loved right there and then, they're happy, and so long as I can give my dog that, I will be to.
9 Jul 2005
High Wycombe
Collect Poppy's ashes tomorrow, things are still a little raw, but better, your comments really did help as it reminded me she had a good life. Luckily we seem to have 100s and 100s of photos of Poppy enjoying herself with the kids/family, looking through these has shown me that she really was a happy dog.
Unfortunately our little boy is ill at the moment, in the past Poppy used to lie next to him when he wasn't feeling well(sometimes on top of him if he was shivering!!), so he is missing her - I have given him my little teddy version of a red setter that I was given to take away when I had to go away for work, seems to have helped.
Thanks all
17 Sep 2010
Somewhere in Asia
So sorry to hear this.

My pug is getting on now (12), and we have had a couple of scares with him. We have had him since he was 12 weeks old, and he has been from the UK to India with us.

He was with us before our children were born and he has such an important connect with our family the thought of losing him......well I cant comprehend it.

As you mentioned though, Poppy had a good life, so what else could you or she have ever wanted?
22 Mar 2012
On Monday, my very best mate for the last 14 1/2 years collapsed on a walk with the Mrs and when we took her to the vet (I was at work and had to rush to meet her there), the next thing I knew was she was put to sleep as the vet said she had heart failure and it was not about prolonging her life but managing her death - all a blur and I am gutted.

Poppy was a beautiful Red Setter who I had since she was 10 weeks old, before I met the wife and had kids, she put up with me going away for months at a time, was a great friend to my 2 kids (4 and 2 so quite a challenge) and the Mrs and the rock in my life for such a long time, seen me through good and hard times, was always there for me, she was part of me, of who I am.

Although she had been unwell for the last few months, she seemed to be getting better and I know what happened was better than how it could have been but it seemed to be come so quickly and has hit me hard, I was there to say bye, but it was so quick and feel like I let her down, and miss her and feel empty.

She had a good life and I am thankful, and feel a little better for writing it down.

RIP my friend

I'm really sorry to hear that. I would be absolutely gutted if either of my dogs passed away.

You have to remember all the good times you had together. You gave her a great life from the sounds of it, you should be proud of that.
9 Jul 2005
High Wycombe
Well, its been a year now, still miss her, but things are easier, or lets say less emotional. I keep coming back to this thread when I feel down about it, it helps, so I thank you all - the internet is not all bad!
11 Jun 2015
Oh man, my heart breaks for you. Losing a dog really is like losing a family member.

I know it sounds meaningless now but you gave her the best life she could’ve possibly had and that’s no small feat.

edit. I should’ve checked the date. I do hope now it’s been a while you find it a bit easier to remember the good times.
Will you be getting another 4 legged pal?
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