Last year was a crazy year, back in Sep the wife and I went our separate ways, I thought the loss of Poppy brought us closer together but I was wrong, on many levels. Luckily I still see the kids almost every day, and have the boy 4 nights a week but this past few months, on the nights when he is away, is a time where I have missed Poppy the most - dogs are amazing at just being a there as a friend, which I do have lots, and a strong family, but Poppy was a special mate. I like to say I was privileged to have her, I will find another, but not to replace her, but I think she was the one who had me.
Even my Dad, who I brought a setter for him (called Lily) on his 65th birthday, (he hadn't had a dog since losing our 2 family setters to old age 30 years ago) said she was special, and both my Mum and Dad absolutely dote on their Lily!
Time to look forward without forgetting the past. As soon as I am settled again, a dog will be the first thing to keep me level, lets hope the new one will be as forgiving and loving as Poppy (or half as much will be enough).
Thanks for the posts, you don't know how much a difference it makes (and neither did I until now)