Lost my skillz

heh n00bs ... depending on what type of game your playing ... on the many occasions i have gone back to ravenshield after months of not playing its a bit hard but thats because it is very different to play from your usual run of the mill fps ... games like bf2 and css i have so many hundreds of hours of game time that it is all reflex these days i dont actually have to do anythin to p0wn :D
Smitho3 said:
Ive decided to train her up instead of kick her out in the rain. I got her on COD2 the other day and after about 20 minutes of trying to grasp movement she finally shot off a clip, missed completely and died dreadfully.....

At one stage my last gf wanted me to teach her how to play FPSs. Her idea of a good game is a console one, so first I figured it would be good to teach her the rudiments of mouse / keyboard action.

Setup a basic ET game, ran a second client on an old laptop (could barely manage to run it!), and then started demonstrated to her the whole basic movement and firing stuff.
Getting her to move the character was easy, although she kept stopping to duck or jump, but she soon broke that habit.
Using the mouse to aim and fire.. well once we got past the timid button pressing, assuring her my mouse was sturdy and unlikely to break, she began to get the knack albeit not fast.
What really challenged her was circling around my stationary character, as that required both keyboard and mouse, and then making it worse getting her to fire at it.
Well i have weighed up the pro's and cons and finally decided on the mx518. Its sitting here proudly attatched to my pc as we speak. Its going to take some getting used to but i must say its ******* awsome! The ability to change mouse sensitivity on the fly is an awsome feature. I am going to have to get used to having side buttons again now though. Shouldnt take too long :)

Thanks for the advice guys.
A new mouse won't get you your skillz back - I'm arguably a worse player than I was 5 years ago in terms of raw aim.

As for which mouse is best, I 'upgraded' from mx518 to G5 and I'm not convinced that it's better. The extra buttons aren't as easy to use for one thing.
HangTime said:
A new mouse won't get you your skillz back


Practise will get you your skill back, a new mouse it will just take longer because you will have to get used to the new mouse aswell. I could play just as well with and random keyboard and optical mouse as i could with my own i reckon.
I brought the original logitech mx wireless and Iam still using it years later. Even if your boss & girlfriend tagteamed me, they couldnt beat me

Dont forget you need a good mousemat and/or teflon mouse feet
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