Lots of HD space - cheap

22 Aug 2005
After reading this thread http://forums.overclockers.co.uk/showthread.php?t=17607639

I've got about 650 gig of storage in an old PII system but I need more, and it's maxxed out, I could put bigger drives in, but I it's getting a bit slow now.

What's the cheapest option to get a TB or 2 of fast ish storage. Lets's see:

Ideally a fileserver system so any PC on the network can access.
Backup solution
How many disks do new SATA mobos support? (or any good linux supported SATA cards) If it's 6 or 8, surely bung 5 500Gs and a smaller system disk would do to give a 3/2 or 4/1 split data/backup?
100GB music still haven't finished ripping all my cds yet
200 GB movies / clips / comedy etc
50 gig ebooks
10 gig isos
40 gig personal files
160 gig TV programs
30 gig of photos, only going to get bigger as I aquired a film scanner recently and plan to scan lot of film.
gigs and gigs of random stuff downloaded, utils/apps/drivers/software
prgram files is 7 gig
gigs of backups

I only have 650 gig live, I have another 100 gig in hard drives that sit disconnected.
Hmm, I see these consumer/plug in and go storage devices have proliferated since I last checked them out, mm, to build something as quiet, low power, and with as much space would probably be not a lot less, as well. (I'm thinking linux install on CF, mini-itx or some such thing.) not to mention all the effort needed.

I' already spent a hell of a time burning 50 DVD's the other month - is DUAL layer worth it, cos it's a real pain splitting all my files that are bigger than 4.38 gig Most TV series are 8 gig for a season. I guess I cn continue while I Save for monster storage.

The other alternative I thought would be to replace one of my 160 gig drives with maybe 400, there by allowing me to upgrade over time, using the replaced disks as new backup drives...
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