It always bugs me that people don't seem to realise if you are on a dual carriageway of traffic a good, safe way to create a path through the traffic is to create a gap between you and the car in front and the emergency vehicle to navigate safely. Often people do things like mounting the kerb for no reason.
Oh and it's really stupid for people to use the emergency vehicles that pass and cause cars to get out the way as their own way to get past a few cars. I have seen it several times where I have pulled in, the ev passes and just as I check my mirrors to pull away some moron seems to think it's acceptable to follow behind and get past a few cars as well! Infuriating!
Oh and it's really stupid for people to use the emergency vehicles that pass and cause cars to get out the way as their own way to get past a few cars. I have seen it several times where I have pulled in, the ev passes and just as I check my mirrors to pull away some moron seems to think it's acceptable to follow behind and get past a few cars as well! Infuriating!