Mac Super drivers are rubbish

17 Oct 2006
Aviemore, Cairngorms, Scottish Highlands
As much as I love my Mac's the superdrives in them are rubbish.

Drying to burn lots of different disks on my new iMac & Macbook pro and keep getting errors. Tried using toast 8 & 9 and 2 diffrent kinds of DL Disks but still not liking it. :mad:
What's the matter with Disk Utility?

You can do everything in Disk Utility that you can in Toast, that's what i have found anyway with what i use them for.

Toast just seems like a program for people that don't know how to use Disk Utility.
never had any problems here, maybe its your media, bit of a bold statement to say that the superdrives are rubbish isnt it

Well yes it a bold statement but the facts are in front of me 2 drives that are not working correctly. If its the media then they are poor as my windows drives where never this fussy and if its a problem with both drives then this also means that 2 failing is also very poor. What ever way you look at it the drives are far to fussy and in my mind that = rubbish ;)
Not had much of a problem with burning - but admittedly I still on the 100 CD pack and 25 DVD packs I originally bought for my first burner back in the day (a long time ago!).. as I only use them for linux disks..
never had a problem with memorex dvd's on my MBP. Sounds like it may be a dodgy batch of dvds and or dodgy drives. How old are your machines ?

My iMac is the new 24" 3.0Ghz and my Macbook pro is the 2.33GHz one. So far I've tried burning 2 different types of dual layer disks and its seems to be spitting normal CDR's out with errors too.
Seems odd to have the same issue on both machines at the same time.

Perhaps you've installed some software on them both that could be doing this.
I have the 24" full maxed out iMac from August 2008. CDs work great. I've had a few errors with DVD-Rs and it hasn't been able to write DVD+R9s at all.

I just use an external blu-ray rom drive to burn my DVDs now.
So wait, you have an external drive which works and the internal drives of the MBP and imac do not work?

I would take the imac to apple and see what they say about it as you then may be able to resolve the MBP on your own if its out of warranty.
If your using DVD DL then go with a quality brand like Verbatim, not had one bad burn on either my MacBook Pro or my Mac Mini. What brand of media are you using mate? I got away luckily with using some el cheapo DVD DL but I defo will pay the little extra to ensure that I will get a successful burn.
I've found that 9/10 it's the media you use.

Burn at a slower speed and it'll be fine :)
I found my superdrive (aka matsus.....) started to need to use slower and slower speeds to write disks so ended up replacing it with a matsu.... drive from a broken acer desktop mini pc thing.

works a treat now :)
I found my superdrive (aka matsus.....) started to need to use slower and slower speeds to write disks so ended up replacing it with a matsu.... drive from a broken acer desktop mini pc thing.

works a treat now :)

You raise a good point (something not a lot of people realise).

All Apple drives are brand drives, but they appear as "superdrive" as Apple will use custom firmware on them.

They'll also tend to use a variety of different brands and I suspect this is so it's easier for them to advertise under 1 name.

Example: My Mac Pro used a set of Sony DVDRWs, but on the very same model of Mac Pro I've seen users with NEC and Matshita drives. It's luck of the draw which brand you get when the machine is manufactured.

My current machine (MBP 15" unibody) has the following drive: MATSHITA DVD-R UJ-868
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I dont think they are localised to one particular drive by the sounds of it mine was a matshita from 2005. (wow my mini's getting old now!)
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