I think as many of us have been gaming since the 80's and a lot of us program/work with tech we definatly know/can tell. Its just as grown men/women most of us don't care or get so upset about it. It is what it is.
Thankfully my battlefield/COD KD isn't the be all and end all these days and I dont want to be a streamer :d
Just here to have some lolz with friends on an evening after a hard day at work.
The having fun part becomes doing something else as the game can be unplayable due to cheats, atleast if you have any sanity and even just slightly value your time.
In tarkov as an example, they don't care about kd as they purposely tank it repeatedly to try and hide the fact they're cheating. Ban waves now appear to be in the thousands.
The issue for developers is that they make money from banning exploiters as they will often rebuy accounts. Why would you want to invest more money into something (anti cheat) that could potentially cost you money? It's for them to decide at what point does the issue become damaging to the game and brand. If the exploits drop the predicted sales but the rebuying accounts/games outweighs it, then the game is likely to have issues it seems.
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