Was going to avoid this one but after watching some Youtube videos I grabbed a pre order steam key for under £13. Are we allowed to say where the best deals can be found for games on here?
Many people have already lol!! Was it cdkeys?
time for a noob question how do you get the crowbar (think its called jimmy something lol) not far into game yet is it through main mission? want to open something but cant without it
This could quite possibly be one of the most underrated games of the year! No doubt about that... You only have to look around the net now and see all the Positive reviews its getting from us the customers - everyone is saying its amazing so GOD knows what these gaming critics where playing!
I can't seem to refuel one of the balloons?
Never mind.
Got to the bit with the sniper rifle, go to install it and the garage menu is bugged, can't navigate anything and I'm stuck now and can't progress. Woo.
G2A Paypal deal 16.99euro which is just under £13.
Easily even a lowly GTX 970 can max this out @ 4K with 60FPS or higher with vsync enabledCan I run this game at 4k maxed out with a G1 980ti @ 1500Mhz?
It is very precise on what you need to build/unlock. It won't let you out of the menu until you have selected what is required.
I think that is a design choice after all it is supposed to be a wasteland, besides I think you may need that space for some of the later convoy fights at least I hope so.it has the Skyrim disease, cause it feels a wee bit empty most of the time.