Mad Max Game

I can force the game to get madmax.exe errors and it seems its due to the game losing focus and the steam overlay glitching (the little notification that tells you what shortcut for viewing steam in game)

If I launch it and touch nothing it loads perfect.

If I launch it and move the mouse or press a button - crash.

Non issue for me as it works but for other people maybe check what else is running like recording siftware/ temp monitors on other screens etc.
Wtf is that pink thing on the floor here? :D:):D


I wondered where I'd dropped that, Thanks.
Get chum's buggy the dog stays in the back. When you enter the minefield vicinity he will bark. If he goes to the right of the truck, turn right. left of the truck turn left, and up near the roof go forward. When he barks contstantly a new marker will appear and a mine visible to defuse on foot.

Where can u find chums buggy? never mind worked it out lol
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My random crashing seems to be fixed now, ran a integrity check on the games steam files and it fixed a few, played all night without a single crash now. Game is good but does get a little 'samey', massive game though.
8 hours into the game and I'm not bored, but I feel I will within the next 8 hours. I might just focus on the main story and see how I get on.

I like the dog though :)
Wish I had bought from Steam now, I got the key from and they won't provide any support on the issue, at least I could utilize the money back guarantee with Steam. Oh well, lesson learned, will wait to see if the problem is fixed in future and return to it then.

Have you verified the local cache in steam? If yes, try re-installing it. If you have the latest graphics drivers, install older ones, if you have old install newer ones.

Make sure all you motherboard drivers are up to date.
Finally took down my first convoy. Much fun. Eventually forgave it for going around in circles lol. I do think this could have been made a run 'to and from' some place though.
this game is incredible sofa game.. 50" sony bravia and 5.1 dolby digital the storms omg insane...

love it never expected it to be this good..
this game is incredible sofa game....

I think this is the key. While it is not a technical masterpiece, it is a very fun sit down and chilled kind of game. Ive been playing now for about 15 hours or so and have done a few story missions here and there but keep getting side tracked.
Have you verified the local cache in steam? If yes, try re-installing it. If you have the latest graphics drivers, install older ones, if you have old install newer ones.

Make sure all you motherboard drivers are up to date.

I was on old nvida drivers to start, then updated to latest, then verified the files but haven't checked my motherboard drivers and haven't tried reinstalling. Thanks for the suggestions, will try those today.

Also have come back to me with fantastic support today, I take back my previous comments, they have been brilliant !
Loving this game :D lost track of time playing this yesterday and when i looked at the clock it was 2am:eek:

Any hints on where i can find the crow bar ;)
You have to remember that it is based in Australia hence the names of certain things. (The game does tell you exactly what you need)
This game seems to be getting some negative/mediocre reviews by the critics and I really do not understand why. A quick google search of the game finds these 2 reviews as an example, I know they are not 'dedicated' gaming review sites but still, this bad press has a negative impact on a game I personally think is superb.

It hasnt been marketed in your face like CoD or other series so like a diamond in the rough hopefully people are buying it based on gameplay vids and user reviews. There are so many features in the game that remind me of Avalanches previous Just Cause 2 which reviewed well back in 2010.

I played it so much yesterday I lost track of time as I find it so much fun, at times I felt like I was in Fury Road attacking Conveys it was so engrossing. With the music, explosions, slow mo harpoon shooting, ramming cars off cliffs and frankly awesome graphics, what more could you want from a Just Cause-esque game in a post apocalyptic world?!?

EDIT: Also, heres a No HUD mod some clever person made, I guess its an alternative to the ingame 'video' mode that has a no hud option. Oddly, even with this option I still get vehicle health bars above them so hopefully this mod may fix that.
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