Mad Max Game

Well I have briefly played for 50 minutes with M/KB more than a good experience gonna have a quick blast before I head off to do some boring stuff before bed but the next time play Ill hook up my Xbone controller and see what I prefer first impressions lead me to believe a pad would be great for this type of game.

I would imagine the joystick is more precide than using WASD

Got an Xbox One controller and am finding it far more intuitive for the driving and fighting than M/KB.
Cheers that worked. 9 files failed and had to download 5 gb

Only thing I want to know now is where is chum,s buggy and the bloody dog gone? I'm at jeets.

And is it best to just keep upgrading ur started car or use the ones you have stolen?

Upgrade your starting car, you'll be needing it...
Cheers that worked. 9 files failed and had to download 5 gb

Only thing I want to know now is where is chum,s buggy and the bloody dog gone? I'm at jeets.

And is it best to just keep upgrading ur started car or use the ones you have stolen?

You get Chums buggy and the dinky Di when you go back to Chums hideout after the attack. You have to take the buggy back to Jeets to save it. To select it you need to stand next to your car in Jeets hideout and wait for the prompts on the bottom of screen to come up, one will say get in car the other with say select different vehicle, you have to select different vehicle.
Easiest way that i found, is to collect stronghold build items, like the maggot farm one, as its 1 piece, collect, return and build and hopefully it will do the animation to improve stronghold which advances time to night time, if not you will need another one to do this.
I has a confuse.

Looked at some reviews for this game who seem to **** it off as being grindy and boring and basically no fun. Yet aside from a few technical issues, I get the impression people on here seem to be enjoying it?
Metal Gear came out the same day so I imagine the reviewers gave this little attention as it's not a big name like metal gear. Which is a shame as this is very good and I think Metal Gear is crap. :)
I've been playing quite a bit since coming back from football and although I enjoy it in general, i'm now starting to get bored. The story isn't that interesting and the quests are very repetitive. Worth £12 that I paid but can't see me finishing it.
I've been playing quite a bit since coming back from football and although I enjoy it in general, i'm now starting to get bored. The story isn't that interesting and the quests are very repetitive. Worth £12 that I paid but can't see me finishing it.

yea does get a bit boring, im just skipping all the side stuff and rushing through the "story" hate leaving games not completed :P
I've been playing quite a bit since coming back from football and although I enjoy it in general, i'm now starting to get bored. The story isn't that interesting and the quests are very repetitive. Worth £12 that I paid but can't see me finishing it.

Pretty much agree. Not quite bored yet, but will get there before the end. I just see it as a stop gap for fallout 4.
Just completed the story for Mad Max. I still have loads of icons on the map, its a bit Ubisoft-ish in the amount of repetitive task's to do on the map, I just got bored of it. Story was OK I guess, nothing amazing and the final fight (if you can even call it that) was stupidly easy.

For the price you can pick it up for on PC its worth it, I wouldn't pay £35 for it on steam though.
Does what it does reasonably well, combat is fairly satisfying and fun if a touch easy and the road battles are quite good fun. It is repetitive and the story is no more than ok.

Well worth the £12 I paid, suspect I will finish it but there is no replay value, imo. :)
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