Mad Max Game

Anyone else had issues with the challenges not working or resetting? I was going to try and 100% the game but after looking through the legend challenges it appears the one fior camps repopulated and the insignias must have reset as they are showing like 4 camps repopulated and 8 insignias collected when I have cleaned up most of the camps :mad:.

Seems to be a problem on both the console and pc, but it seems to be 76/77 insignias they end up with but for me it will be a lot less.

I wonder if there is any way to cheat the challenges with a trainer or using a 100% save file? Spent ages doing the combat challenges as they are supposed to be the hardest to get them out of the way and now it seems like i cant get the achievement anyway :(.

Other than that its been a great game. Rock solid performance and looks great. Love the sounds of the cars and shotgun/explosions. Its like playing an action film! Have enjoyed doing the scarecrows etc as it's just fun to drive around firing a thunderbolt at them as you speed past at 100mph lol.
What an utterly disappointing end to the game.... They'd done a fairly decent job up until the last couple of missions and then it just feels like they just went, yeah we'll do this, this and this, the end.
I tried to get in to this game... I mean for 12 dollhairs it was worth a shot. I kept telling myself it would get better after each hour lol! I just couldn't get in to it. It plays well and overall has an ok flow, but it felt repetitive after only a short while for me. Plus the player movement is a bit clunky.

The cars explode (hell all explosions) in pure glory! The particles and the lighting shifts from everything going boom is actually superb... but that's honestly all I can think of when I try to explain the game to people hahahaha! OH well I'm almost done with it, I must finish the game as 12 dollars is still 12 dollars and I will not waste it! :D
Anyone else experiencing the horrendous input lag when driving or fighting?
Steering is a nightmare. The wheels start turning later than when I initiated the turn.
Combat countering is a total pita for similar reasons. I'll see the indicator above their heads for a split second after I've pressed and still lose out. It's much tougher than batman, but nowhere near as enjoyable.

I read others say similar on the steam forums. Tried turning vsync off (I play through my tv) and it helped the driving a little.
Anyone else experiencing problems with the map button disappearing. I can access the map in the game... the Tab key is not bring the map up? Tried the key binds but the map is not listed any more?

It was working last night cant play without the map
I tried to get in to this game... I mean for 12 dollhairs it was worth a shot. I kept telling myself it would get better after each hour lol! I just couldn't get in to it. It plays well and overall has an ok flow, but it felt repetitive after only a short while for me. Plus the player movement is a bit clunky.

I found exactly the same thing - played it on and off for a few weeks but after 5 minutes I'm bored. Probably worth the £13 I paid for it but I doubt I'll leave it installed for much longer.
I'm still loving this game. Completed about 10 missions, but now going back to complete some of the side missions to boost my car and reduce the threat level in a couple of the areas.
I finished this last night, really really enjoyed it.

My only gripe would be with the immersion in the story. The sequence of events broke for me with Hope which left me a bit clueless. And the 4 strongholds are carbon copies which left me not caring for their well-being.

I didn't find it too repetitive - I went straight to gas town when it opened up and then grinded what I needed for the plot line. When I knew the end was nigh, I focused on all the side missions and gear. That felt grindy but I didn't need to.
I think the repetition is apparent when you do all the work for jeet then the other factions open up and you see you have triple the work to do again. A little better pacing by the devs would have worked to alleviate the grind (and story incontinuity)

I'd say it was a 8/10 for gameplay, marred only by some harsh combat/driving mechanics. Visuals were 9/10. I regret not playing in 4k
Going to have another bash at it today. I am now at the story line for gastown specifically but I stopped playing for a while as it felt like a grind to get everything required to be ready for this section of the story.

Graphics are superb though as well as performance.
Just finished this last night. My thoughts:

  • On the whole enjoyable. Didn't feel ripped off at £11 or whatever. Took me 25 hours to finish.
  • Game got repetitive in the end. I couldn't even be bothered to kill all of the camps because same old same old.
  • Game worked very well, graphically very nice and ran smoothly.
  • Once I unlocked the thunderpoon thing, got really easy to blow stuff up.
  • When I ran low on supplies I would just fast travel back to the main base to restock. There was no point to kit out other outposts.
  • I didn't really have to ration anything due to the ability to fast travel and restock supplies.
I had the controller buttons all flip out last night almost like they got remapped. The camera also went crazy. Auto jumping between sides of Max

Seems fixed today though....weird
Had a bug today where I couldn't bring the map up. Had to drive round different areas and add scrap to a base for it to come back.

I know this games got bugs but I was trying to have a go at Farcry 4 over the weekend and it just kept crashing out to the desk top every 10 to 30 min`s and this games been out for over a year and it still not fixed. Yet Madmax just works a great game and well worth the money.
i like this game i really do. Ive only done Jeets (down to 1) but as i understand it theres another 3 strongholds where you are doing pretty much the same thing. I will really struggle for motivation to do them as it is a tad repetitive. Think i will just concentrate on story missions. Its a shame that some of the uprades require that you grind a fair bit before unlocking. Its less repetitive than SOM but the combat isnt as good.

(might put it down to play witcher 2 as i couldnt resist having a go to see what it was like and love d it...even tho im still on ch4 of the witcher oh dear..)
Coming up to 60 hours in and really loving it still. Spent a while exploring and building up the strongholds when I started, before doing the story missions, and haven't found I've ever been left wanting for scrap. But then, I did enjoy getting Just Cause 2 up near 100% by searching all the towns, etc so maybe I just enjoy this style of game more than others?

Annoyingly, last night I fired the game up to be hit by the bug where I cannot bring up the map - pressing either Tab or Select on the controller does nothing. Seen some of the earlier resolutions involving bringing up cutscenes, picking up scrap, looting corpses, etc but none have worked. Looking through Steam, it appears this is a by-product of the latest patch and the developers are aware. Fingers crossed they find a solution and patch it soon as it's annoying only being able to navigate by the minimap where I need to cross the whole map without a clue if I'm heading in the right direction or not to find the next mission. Annoying, but hopefully they'll fix it soon. :(

On a positive note, the last patch fixed the issue where you couldn't aim weapons at 5760x1080 without switching to in-car view, and I can now aim while still in the behind-car view, which is nice. :D
I've just got around to playing it and only played an hour so far and... mmm.. errr... dunno.
I'm hoping it gets a lot better or it's going to get resigned to the 'oh well had promise' pile.

It feels like a combination of Rage and Batman but not as good as either so far.
The fist fighting combat and car shunting feels so laboured, slow and a bit clunky after Batman:AK which was the last thing I played through.

I realise it's only an hour in and a couple more needed before a judgement call is made - but please tell me the start is reaaaally bad compared to the rest of the game?
Finished it last night and thought it was absolutely brilliant although...

I was expecting a bit of a bigger/better showdown with Scrotus instead of just taking out his convoy and Land Mover then throw a couple of thunderpoons at the Interceptor.

Loved Chumbucket. Gutted when he wouldn't get off the bonnet before driving into the Land Mover. :(

Chumbucket's up there with one of my favourite characters ever, I would say.

Challenger for GOTY so far for me (until Fallout 4!) and honestly hoping to see a sequel.
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