Mail app for Mac

I use Mail app too. I think Mail app is getting an interface update on iPhone with 18.2. Not sure about macOS though.
iOS mail hasn't been working well for me since 18.2 so I've just installed Spark and will run it alongside for a while, see if it's any better.
I’m quite enjoying Spark on iOS to the extent that I’ve disabled notifications on Apple Mail and swapped the icons around so my hand automatically goes to Spark now.

Since iOS 18.2, Apple Mail has been bad for me. Notifications have been delayed, when I’ve gone into folders, it’s been taking ages to retrieve new mail, sometimes just not being able to.

I’m not using the smart inboxes, just using it in Classic mode.
Yea I thought by going back to classic mode it would resolve the notification issue, but no!

I see a few people rating Spark highly, I’ll give it a go.
I need to do more research into the developers and privacy policy of Spark, I'm not comfortable letting anyone access my mail if they have dodgy history or a privacy policy which is as clear as mud.
It’s Readdle, a name I remember being in existence when I first started using Macs so they’ve been around a long time.

And that’s all I know about them.

Privacy policy's reasonable there... think I've already mentioned I've fully switched to Spark - on Mac, iOS, Windows, Android.

Been a paid subscriber for a couple of years now, with only a brief break to see if I could get on with Gmail native clients in iOS/Android and browser in Mac/Windows (spoiler: I can't).

It's still the best solution for me personally, and arguably one of the better 3rd party mail clients. Still a pity about Postbox being hoovered up and binned though, I managed to get on with that really well for a while!
I don't seem to be able to download the Mac version from the App Store. I click to download and it just sits there spinning.

I’ve been trying for the last couple of days, the Mac gets shut down overnight so the App Store app has definitely been restarted.
I’ve been trying for the last couple of days, the Mac gets shut down overnight so the App Store app has definitely been restarted.
I just tried downloading it myself and there are no problems - do you have enough storage? I also note that there's an AI version of spark.
Is there a way to get premium for less than the advertised price? Things like cash back, random offers they do, you get it with some other subscription etc?
I’ve been trying for the last couple of days, the Mac gets shut down overnight so the App Store app has definitely been restarted.
Usually the App Store versions lag behind the version on the website, is there a reason you can't just get the download from the website?
do you have enough storage?
lol, over a terrabyte free on my Studio SSD.

I just tried again after a fresh reboot and it downloaded so just going through the setup now. It's nice how most of the settings have synced from my iPhone.

Usually the App Store versions lag behind the version on the website, is there a reason you can't just get the download from the website?
I didn't even look to see if it was on their site, just went to the App Store.

I've just checked and that's interesting. I see there are two versions, one with AI and one without. I'm using the one without and that's described as the 'old' version and it's only on the App Store, the link from their site goes to the App Store. I have no intention of subscribing so I wonder if I should switch over and try the other version if the one I'm using is described as old.
lol, over a terrabyte free on my Studio SSD.

I just tried again after a fresh reboot and it downloaded so just going through the setup now. It's nice how most of the settings have synced from my iPhone.

I didn't even look to see if it was on their site, just went to the App Store.

I've just checked and that's interesting. I see there are two versions, one with AI and one without. I'm using the one without and that's described as the 'old' version and it's only on the App Store, the link from their site goes to the App Store. I have no intention of subscribing so I wonder if I should switch over and try the other version if the one I'm using is described as old.
I will say that the site seems to have the AI version as opposed to a vanilla one. is spark worth it? I'm using thunderbird atm
The new version is horrible, V2 is where it's all at.

Trying that on the Mac now.
Not wanting to end up paying for it, it's more expensive than a 365 Family subscription (when on offer). I just cannot get Outlook to talk to iCloud for my custom domain no matter what I try. I'm sure Mail will get fixed (not that I'm noticing a huge amount of issues).
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