Major update for Dashboard and games “out soon”; webcam on the way (360)

Don't see much wrong with the dashboard as it is now to be honest.

Wont use the webcam feature anyway
mmj_uk said:
is it a firmware upgrade then? so u don't need the HD?

I assume so, it will update the 360's BIOS/Firmware or whatever it has rather than installing itself to the HDD.

Presumably MS want to target every 360, so they have to cater for folks without Live or a HDD.
I can't see the game patches being firmware - you'll only get these if you have a hard disk - or I guess a memory unit, but that would be a bit pants.
I've managed to have a play with the webcam for the 360, it's pretty good. The only thing I've seen is the integration with Neon (the music visualiser), where you can capture an image and it blends in with the backgrounds. I think this is part of the update too.

As MadFruit mentioned, wonder what will have if I've got a 64Mb MU with 20Mb free but the update is 26Mb? Or will the 'patch' goto a firmware bios chip/drive in the console itself. <---- whoops, just seen the other posts :rolleyes:
mmj_uk said:
is it a firmware upgrade then? so u don't need the HD?

At a guess, I'd say you'll need the HDD for this, as the update could be quite large. I'd have thought the 360 has some space of its own to keep major updates installed, but I doubt there's enough to store and install all big updates like that.

It's a very good thing they've got an update system like this, as this will likely mean that if Sony do the dirty and copy live + improve upon it, then all MS have to do is sit down and update more of Live to take advantage.
I would imagine this will be a firmware patch and a number of games patches.

I am sceptical that the games patches will fit on a memory card and I would be a bit annoyed if it significantly reduced my capacity on my memory card.

I guess I will be buying a HD.

Why oh Why M$ did you think it was a good Idea to sell 360's without the HD component cable and the HDD. They were mandatory Items.


IIRC it was always part of M$'s strategy to release updates to the system over time, to add more features and to improve upon existing features. (Its the M$ way). I think we will be seeing Dashboard patches and upgrades for several years.

Personally I don't mind this. It gives me something to look forward to, as well as time to fully get to grips with the existing features. It also allows M$ to continuously improve upon its product. Taking into account user feedback.
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Kronologic said:
I would imagine this will be a filmware patch and a number of games patches.

I am sceptical that the games patches will fit on a memory card and I would be a bit annoyed if it significantly reduced my capacity on my memory card.

I guess I will be buying a HD.

Why oh Why M$ did you think it was a good Idea to sell 360's without the HD component cable and the HDD. They were manditory Items.

To make money, and give people a choice. Cheaper console, less support, more expensive console, greater support.
aaaye u *** of just waited saved some more and got one with a HDD, i dont see the point in getting 1 thats not the premium pack :)

Mine **** be here tuesday tho woooooooooooHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Kronologic said:
Why oh Why M$ did you think it was a good Idea to sell 360's without the HD component cable and the HDD. They were mandatory Items.

I for one have no need for a component cable so am glad I wasn't forced to buy one..
Spider said:
I for one have no need for a component cable so am glad I wasn't forced to buy one..

Yes but it had composite on it anyway, and allowed Optical out. for 5.1 sound.

I would have rathered this was bundled in with every console so that I did not have to wait for them to become available.

It also future proofs you a bit as if you get a new TV then it will likely have component on it and you will be able to get lovely HD tv with out having to buy a new cable.
Why the hell did M$ only make a 20gb HD available, I'm already down to 10gb and i only have a few demo's installed :(

What happens if say Valve wanted to put steam on our hard drives? very short sighted of them imo.

Should have made it a 3.5" drive and more capicity, Maybe they could package one up with Xbox service pack 2 :D
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pumaz said:
Why the hell did M$ only make a 20gb HD available, I'm already doen to 10gb and i only have a few demo's installed

Youve actually used very little, as around 13 - 20 is reserved.

Your point still stands though I guess.
punky_munky said:
Wouldn't quieter DVD = slower DVD? unless the service pack despatches a team of nanobots with screwdrivers to make some hardware changes?

Yeah must admit the drives loud, the console hardly makes a noise, but as soon as yer bung a game in its like yer installing one on yer PC with yer 52x speed drive WOOOOOSSSSSSSHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!................
Nismo said:
Youve actually used very little, as around 13 - 20 is reserved.

Your point still stands though I guess.

Sorry i don't quite understand :confused:

Yesterday i played RR6 and was asked where to save, I chose the HDD and was informed i had 10gb free. So how can 13 - 20 be reserved on a 20gb HD and still give me 10gb free?

pumaz said:
Sorry i don't quite understand :confused:

Yesterday i played RR6 and was asked where to save, I chose the HDD and was informed i had 10gb free. So how can 13 - 20 be reserved on a 20gb HD and still give me 10gb free?


Sorry, my post was badly worded :p

Out of the box you get 13 Gig free, the other 7 or so Gig is reserved for system stuff and AFAIK can't be used for demos, music etc so you may not have used as much as you thought.
punky_munky said:
Wouldn't quieter DVD = slower DVD?

yes probably

but would it affect performance in game or for watching DVDs?

maybe just slower load times

5% slower may half the noise

many people in the HTPC world set their DVD speed to x4 for a quiet life

I don't know but I was just dreaming and is my only other niggle apart from divx support.
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