Major upgrade (£3000+ build) critique? :P

24 Feb 2008
OK so i haven't upgraded in a long time and my system is dual an overhaul. (Hence the silly amount of money i'm spending!)

I'm probably going to wait a couple of months or so (hopefully the 9800GTX will be out by then), but i've put together a rough spec list - can someone take a look and suggest anything different?

Can someone also explain when the Penryns are roughly due out? + if they're going to be worth waiting for (with DDR3 etc etc) - i am to make my system as future proof as possible - i dont plan on forking out this much cash for a loooooooong time :D

Pic of my shopping cart (hope its OK to post this link!):

[since making that pic - ive changed my mind on the case - i'll be getting an Antec P182!)

thanks! :)
Yeah i should probably mention that i have no desire/knowledge/balls to overclock :P

Also the 30" monitor i want to keep, as i'll be using it for my 360 and Wii, and im not an ATi person either :D lol

any idea when the Nahalems are "due" ?
Well ive spent ages looking at case reviews and the 182 seems the best in terms of accoustics and heat management :D

But yeah I do like a lot of the Lian Lis, i think i was tempted to get the PC-S80 but hmmmm
What's so good about the Silverstones?

Just having a look at random reviews of the Temjin T10 - seems good... how well do they perform acoustically?

Looks a bit cheap compared to some of the Lian Lis :O
Nehalem's not worth waiting for. It will be amazing, but it's got nothing to do with games, and it's only the native quad-core that's out this year, octo-core is 2009. If you want DDR3, then it's not an unwise decision, just depends on whether you can stomach the pricetag. But basically, you should go with X38/X48 + DDR2 + 45nm Quad. Whether you do or not is of course your choice, but don't wait around for Nehalem, I don't see it benefitting games at all seeing as how current quad's aren't used anywhere near to their full potential.

Yeah you're probably right... I think i will most likely stick with that combination

is the X48 considered to be much better than the 790i nvidia chipset (i'm a bit out of the loop!) :D
well the x38/48 allow xfire whereas the 780/790 allows sli and as u said u r not an ati guy then its the nv chipsets for u (if u want sli that is, and for £1500+ spec u really should) 30" monitor seems overkill tho...

Hmm well i'll be using the monitor to watch films in my bedroom, so i ideally want the 30" :D

Most likely wont bother with SLI, although i guess it depends how the 9xxx series pan out (price/performance wise) but i think i'd rather stick to 1 GTX really
hmm i'd rather get SSD when 1) they're at a sensible price 2) the write speeds are improved :D (which they have done a lot, but only in the most hilariously priced ones)

Can't see the point in paying a ridiculous premium to get the top end chip, id rather go 1 step down :S
This is good advice. I'd also reconsider the huge monitor- not only is it eating a massive chunk of your budget, you'll not be able to drive it at native res with any modern game using current GFX cards- not that I've tried myself, but there seem to be an awful lot of pixels in a 30".

If you do want to use something for the consoles, a 37" HD monitor will be less than a grand!

Well yeah i know what you mean about smaller upgrade steps - it's just that i havent had the opportunity to upgrade in such a long time - i need a total overhaul now :)

As for not running games at the native res (2560x1600), from the reviews i've seen, the 3008WFP scales really well, so im not too worried about having to drop down to 1920x1200 or maybe a little lower... i'm more concerned about 'desktop real estate' (haha!)
I've got a separate budget for a proper HDTV, anyway £3000 would only be a waste surely if i wasnt going to make the most of my new rig? :P

I guess saying that im going to spend that probably gives an impression of "zomg ive got loads of money, im going to just cluelessly go out and buy lots of expensive stuff!!!!11one" but im not :P

As for the case - i think im going to stick with the Antec P182 (see - im not going silly on the case! lol) ;)
Im ultra paranoid about RAID and whatnot - ive had some nasty experiences in the past lol :P "keep it simple" - is my new motto when it comes to storage :D

But yeah i dont wanna come across as some snotty git going "OMG LOOK HOW MUCH MONEY IM SPENDING!" cus well - its part of a loan anyway, and im treating myself :P

I think it's going to have a longer life span than 6 months somehow :|

Besides, i've survived with not upgrading for around 5 years, so i'm pretty damn sure i can do the same with this one...

Been thinking of getting 2x Dell 2408s.. which would be cheaper than getting 1x 3008 (by a couple of hundred quid) but... im not sure id really utilise a secondary monitor.. id rather have 1 single bigger screen for movies + games.

hmm or maybe i should get 3x 2408s and a triple head :D HAH! (j/k)
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This will do you fine. :)

Why you would want to spend £600+ on a CPU I dont know and then £250 on a motherboard is just silly to be honest. Especailly when your not going to be doing some extreme overclocking with them or anything.

Yeah i'm not :P My spec was using the Q9550 (£387)

as for Tri-SLI - hmm tempting... but im not sure i want the extra noise + heat (and cost lol)

I'll wait til the 9800GTX (maybe GX2) comes out and weigh it up i think...
Good plan. Especially if you're spending that kind of dough.

At least spending the money on a computer leaves you with something tangible. Once you get back from holiday, you've actually got nothing to show for the money you spent..


Plus - I bet if i posted "im spending £3k on a holiday" someone would post: "zomg what a waste - spend £1k on a package deal to xyz and spend the rest on a decent PC" lol
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