Make 3 E3 2016 game predictions

Bioshock Trilogy Remastered

Red Dead 3, plus something for GTAV (either new city "map" or SP DLC...)

CD Projekt Red, now that The Witcher 3 has been "wrapped up" for the most part, will probably release some small-ish standalone game (maybe Gwent or Ciri related)

Prey 2 coming out of hiatus.

Watch Dogs 2
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Hoping for a new proper syndicate and C&C game, but I am massively doubting that'll happen.

An actual prediction is a host of Xbox One games on PC, like the next Forza, Halo etc.
An announcement/trailer for TES 6 could happen, Fallout 3 came out less than 2 years after Oblivion and was announced not too long after Oblivion had released.
Here's my random speculation:

Tomb Raider - A 3rd game in the reboot series.

Some Kind of Force Awakens/New Trilogy Star Wars cash in. Preferably a proper sequel/continuation of the X-Wing / Tie Fighter games of old.

Something new from Riot Games beyond LoL.
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