Making French Toast

5 Dec 2003
Is it just a case of beating eggs then dipping bread in, frying it a wee bit?

I'm reading a few recipes online and they are all suggesting sugar is necessary, is this the case or not?
Think it's just a case of using whatever you would like, i have fond memories of having eggy bread with tomato sauce all over when i was a kid :)
Milk and salt added to the mixed eggs, what say you?

Reading wikipedia, it's an amazingly diverse dish around the world full of possibilities. If only I had more ingredients just now.
I prefer it savoury. Salt, pepper, small dash of milk, knob of butter, heat pan up, add a little oil to the pan, dip egg in quickly (don't want too much liquid) and toss it in the pan.

I'm not too au fait with making the sweet version, but it just seems odd to me.
eggy bread (french bread)

whisk the eggs, dip bread in, soak it up nice, tiny bit of butter in the pan to lubricate, fry until golden brown.
Good bread is a must, as are good eggs. Cheap eggs make it taste watery, cheap bread it just falls to bits.

Sugar is nice. I sometimes have ketchup on it if i'm drunk.
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